Marketing Email Subscribe
Summary / TL:DR: This article outlines the attributes used in the marketing_email_subscribe event
Used to send a confirmation email or kick off a gauntlet series when a customer has signed up to a free list.
When a customer signs up for a free list Signup app will send an event to Blueshift containing the details of the signup. This event then triggers any campaigns associated with it.
duplicate_signup | Boolean. Indicates whether this is a duplicate sign up |
Email address used for signup | |
email_active | Boolean. If eml_sta IN ('A', ‘') and sub.dlv_cde IN ('ME', ‘EM’) THEN ‘true’ ELSE ‘false’ |
event | Event name |
list_code | List code the customer signed up for |
source_code | Source code associated with the signup |
sua_event_id | Unique identifier from SUA2 for the event |
campaign_code | Advantage campaign code |
iris_campaign_name | Campaign name in IRIS |
is_double_opt_in | Indicates if the signup is coming from a double opt-in lead gen effort |
confirm_link | The confirmation link generated by signup app |
Sample Payload
"duplicate_signup": false,
"email": "",
"email_active": true,
"event": "marketing_email_subscribe",
"list_code": "OPTMSUN",
"site": "",
"source_code": "X190Y702",
"sua_event_id": "96b5bfe9-67ae-497d-84eb-d8e141f6ff12",
"campaign_code": "XXX123", --Used in refacored accounts
"iris_campaign_name": "XXX456" --Used in refacored accounts
In order for SUA2 unsubscribes to currently work, an advantage customer number must be present in the vid2 value but the marketing_email_subscribe event does not include it. As a workaround you can replace the vid2 value with the following:
{{ "000000000000" | append: '@@' | append: user_transaction.list_code | append: list_code | append: item_code | append: user_transaction.item_code | append:item_number | append: '@@' | append: | aes256_encrypt_v2: '50655368566D597133743677397A24432646294A404E635266546A576E5A7234', '472B4B6250655368566D597133743677' }}
We are hardcoding a dummy advantage customer number which allows the unsubscribe to process. We will look to enhance this process so the default vid2 value can be used for event triggered emails.
Wrap up
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