Subscription Cancellation Email
Summary / TL:DR: This article will introduce you to Subscription Cancellation emails in Blueshift.
3 min read
Table of contents
Send an email through Blueshift to confirm when a customer cancels a subscription.
When a subscription is cancelled by a customer, the subscription record for that customer is updated in Advantage. The Advantage workflow captures the update and generates an event to inform Blueshift about the action. This event then triggers a campaign in Blueshift.
Blueshift Event Name
Event Payload Parameters
Parameter | Decription |
event | Name of triggering event |
image_header | File path of affiliate brand-specific image header |
Email address of the billTo customer | |
customer_firstname | First name of the billTo customer |
customer_lastname | Last name of the billTo customer |
publication_title | Title of the publication associated with the subscription |
publication_code | Code that identifies the publication |
billing_status | Accounts receivable status |
circulation_status | Code that indicates if the publication was sent |
issues_to_go | Issues remaining in the active subscription term |
subscription_reference | A unique identifier for each subscription |
term_length | The number of issues included in the subscription order |
renewal_flag | Indicates whether a renewal notice should be sent to the subscriber |
billing_currency | Currency type associated with the transaction |
transaction_amount | Amount to be refunded due to cancellation |
last_order | Cancellation transaction reference number |
retailer_customer_id | Concatenation of [Advantage billTo customer number]-[Advantage billTo emailId]. Only sent in Legacy instances |
advantage_customer_number | Advantage customer number. Only sent in Refactored instances. |
Sample Payload
"event": "subscription_cancellation",
"image_header": "",
"email": "",
"customer_firstname": "FIRSTNAME",
"customer_lastname": "LASTNAME",
"publication_title": "Publication Title",
"publication_code": "pubcod",
"billing_status": "C",
"circulation_status": "R",
"issues_to_go": 65,
"subscription_reference": "000044085657",
"term_length": 104,
"renewal_flag": "Y",
"billing_currency": "US$",
"transaction_amount": "0.00",
"last_order": "xy094345",
"retailer_customer_id": "000104202068-000086618837"
Setting up a Campaign
Create a triggered campaign using the event ‘subscription_cancellation’.
Set the condition “Skip Global Inclusion Segment Check” to “Yes”.
Select the associated template for your campaign. A sample email called 'FOR_COPY_SAMPLE Subscription Cancel' is available in your Blueshift Production instance.
4. If one campaign is used for setting up mailing for multiple publications, set the condition “User can be in the campaign journey” to “Multiple times concurrently”. This will allow you to send an email to a customer who cancels multiple subscriptions at different times.
The publication code in the payload is whitelisted to be passed in the mailing activity events. This will be available in the reporting platform as the list code.
Things to Consider When Planning your Migration and/or Setup
Please follow the Transition Guidelines shared by the MarTech team during your Migration Planning workshop.
If you have an existing Message Central Auto Delivery (BCL) Cancellation workflow on Advantage, your new Blueshift workflow has already been set up on Advantage and is ready to send events.
If you never had an Auto Delivery Cancellation workflow on Advantage, there is no longer a need to share the new campaign ID with the Advantage team during initial set up. The same event category can be used for multiple campaigns, segments, etc. without Advantage configuration support.
The Auto Delivery Cancellation workflow will account for all owning orgs associated with your Blueshift instance. Please note: additions of new owning orgs must be reported to the MarTech team so it can be added to your Blueshift instance.
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding of Subscription Cancellation emails in Blueshift.
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