

Summary / TL:DR: WMC sends this event to Blueshift when a customer lands on an order form page and will be used to streamline abandon campaigns.


To indicate in Blueshift when a customer has viewed an order form. It will be used to qualify users for abandon campaigns.


When a customer lands on an order form page, WMC will fire this event to Blueshift and will get recorded to both known and unknown user profiles. The vid2 parameter which includes the encrypted email address is included in all links sent from Blueshift which WMC decrypts to include it in the event payload. This allows the event to get recorded to the known user profile associated with that email. This event payload will always include the email address from the vid2 value. If an anonymous user lands on an order form the event will be sent with just the cookie that comes from the integrated pageload script that fires on all WMC pages.



Cookie from pageload script


Email that is decrypted from the vid2 value if the link was sent from Blueshift


Event name


Object array that includes the journey URL nickname as the sku


Generated by Blueshift. Includes the journey URL nickname from the products array


The first item that is available on the WMC order page

Sample Payload

{ "cookie": "e780a824-bd22-e9a3-1a0f-9851ddbbd8cb", "email": "testuser@getblueshift.com", "event": "checkout", "item_code": "CMZ", "product_ids": [ "WMC-CMZREN-3CH23" ], "products": [ { "sku": "WMC-CMZREN-3CH23" } ] }

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