ADV User Guides Automatic Delivery

ADV User Guides Automatic Delivery

This article serves as a reference page and will provide information to better understand automatic delivery in Advantage. Auto Delivery utilizes the Bookclub or BCL module of Advantage.  These are product orders that have continuity associated with them.  For example, automatic delivery is used for supplements to sign customers up to receive regular shipments of their supplement automatically.  It can also be used for 'book of the month' type offers where a customer signs up for a series of products.

7 min read

Note that some field names and locations may vary slightly based on individual scripts used at Customer Activity.  From Customer Activity, when a PRO item is selected, go to the Auto Delivery Maintenance tab and select Inquire. 

Table of contents


Automatic Delivery Maintenance

Add to Product Series

Not used. To add a product to automatic delivery, place a new order. 

Create Next BCL Order

Used to manually create the next shipment. 

Add Notify/Load-Up Response

Not used.

Change Member Series Info

Used for changing the frequency, quantity and shipping information associated with the auto delivery.

Change Members Series Status

Used for changing the status of the auto delivery. Can be active, terminated or suspended.


Used to inquire and view the Club Member Maintenance dialog box.

Suspend Club Members

Used to suspend an automatic delivery.

Reactivate Club Members

Used to reactive an automatic delivery that has been suspended or terminated.

Terminate Club Member(s)

Used to terminate an automatic delivery.

View Unpaid Releases

Used to display the Unpaid Releases for Member dialog box.

Save Cancellation

Used to mark an automatic delivery from being saved from the customer cancelling.

Change Next Price

This selection is available by right click. Used for changing the price associated with the product on automatic delivery.

Estimated Next Ship Date

This selection is available by right click. Used for displaying the estimated next automatic shipment date.

Inquire Mode

From the Auto Delivery Maintenance tab at the bottom of the Customer Activity screen, select Inquire to get more details on the automatic delivery.

Club Member Maintenance

Ship-To Customer

The account number of the customer receiving the shipments.

Ship-To Address Code

The address number associated with the account number receiving shipments.

Bill-To Customer

The account number of the customer being billed for the shipments.

BCL Member ID

Unique ID of the auto delivery.

Club Code

Identifies the product group under which the product is distributed.

  • NS = NorthStar Nutritionals

  • RA = Real Advantage Nutrients

  • BH = Best Health Nutritionals

  • LF = Living Well

  • TH = New Summit Nutritionals

  • OV = Nulogic Nutritionals

  • O2 = Smart Science Nutritionals

Product Class

Identifies the product that is on automatic shipment.

Product Series Code

Identifies the frequency of the automatic shipment.

Item Description

Display of item name/description of automatic shipment


Identifies the number of orders generated. 000 = first shipment not in Book Club. All sequences >000 = shipment in Book Club.


Not used.

Billing Org. Office

The 3 digit code associated with the company/affiliate.



Promotion Code

Not used.

Series Member Status

Status of the automatic delivery.

  • A = Active

  • C = Completed

  • M = Moved/Terminated (not used)

  • S = Suspended

  • T = Terminated

  • Z = Cancelled (not used)

Susp Resol. Date

For an automatic shipment on suspended status, this is the date the shipments would resume.

Reason Code

For an automatic shipment in terminated status, the reason selected as the reason for cancellation.

Synchronization Exempt

Indicates if the automatic delivery is exempt from being synchronized with other shipments.

Last Status Date

Date of last change to status of the automatic shipment.

Start Date

Date the automatic shipment started.

Last Return Date

Date the last return was made.

Last Payment Date

Date the last payment was made.

Synchronization Flag

This is a flag to alert that the shipment is synchronized to shipped with another product.   If the frequency is changed on an automatic delivery, an alert will pop-up notifying you that this is synchronized exempt

Original Order

Displays what the Originating Order number is on auto delivery orders.

The Original Order will be reset if the customer's ADS was terminated and then reactivated. 


Orders Released

Number of order released from Book Club, this does not include the initial order.

Fully Paid Orders

Number of orders released that have been paid in full.

Unpaid Orders

Number of orders released that are unpaid, generally the credit card has declined. In order to get the automatic shipment going again, the unpaid order would need to be paid.

Returned Orders

Number of orders returned for this Book Club.

Claim-Ret Orders

Not used.

Write-Off Orders

Not used.

Bad-Debt Orders

Not used.

Deferred Write-Off Items

Not used.

Last Decline Notice Sent

Date last notice was sent for payment collection for a credit card decline.

Probable Next Release

Probable Next Series

Identifies the frequency of the automatic shipment.


Identifies the number of orders generated. 000 = first shipment not in Book Club. All sequences >000 = shipment in Book Club.

Item 1

Item number for product on automatic shipment.


Item name/description for product on automatic shipment.

Last Release

When searching for an account at Customer Activity, you are by default searching by the bill-to customer.  This means that if the customer has different account numbers associated with their bill-to and ship-to, the subscription will only show up in Customer Activity if you are looking at the bill-to customer.  Nothing for that subscription will display under the ship-to account number.  

You can change this search by selecting Receiving Customer as your Search By.

All Releases

These are the default customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.


This field identifies a membership organization under which a class of products (books, etc) are distributed

Product Class

This field identifies a broad group of products, such as books, videocassettes, etc

Product Series

This field shows a series of products belonging to a product class and offered within a club

Book Club Start Date

The first date customer started using this Club, Class and Series

Shipping Status

Shows the shipping status of an order which will be:

N - Not shipped, customer cancel

S -  Shipped

Order Date

Shows the date the order was placed

Order Number

This field uniquely identifies the order in the system

Shipping Date

Shows the requested date for the order to be picked for shipping

Total Cost

Shows total amount due from the customer for this order

Order Status

Shows the order status which will be:

B - Backordered

F - Finished - Posted

H - Hold - Credit

I - Invoiced

Paid/Return Status

Shows the Paid/Return status which will be:

D - Partially paid

P - Fully paid

U - Unpaid

Paid Date

Date the order was paid

Auto-Change Information

From this tab you can change the credit card details on file using the secure payment entry dialog box.

To change or update a credit card on file, go here.

Transaction History

These are the suggested customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Club Code Description

Identifies the product group under which the product is distributed.

Product Class Description

Identifies the product that is on automatic shipment.


Unique identifier of each transaction.

Operation Code Description

Description of the order transaction.


Status of the automatic delivery.

  • A = Active

  • C = Completed

  • M = Moved/Terminated (not used)

  • S = Suspended

  • T = Terminated

  • Z = Cancelled (not used)

Date and Time Added

Date and time of the order transaction.

Added By Description

Name of person who performed the order transaction.

Club Level Settings

Maximum Order in Weeks Range

Not used

Weeks Range

Not used

Wrap up

You should now have a better understanding of automatic delivery in Advantage.

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