ADV User Guides Product Orders

ADV User Guides Product Orders

This article serves as a reference page and will provide information to better understand product orders in Advantage. This is a review of PRO, or product, type orders.  Note that some field names and locations may vary slightly based on individual scripts used at Customer Activity.

9 min read

Table of contents


Product Order Information


Bill- to

The customer account number and name of the bill to account.

Order Type

The type of product order

  • C = Credit memo/Return order

  • G = Gratis Free Order

  • I = Invoiceable

  • M = Modify order without shipping items

  • O = Proforma Credit Card Declined

  • P = Post shipped order

Order Status

The status of the product order.

  • B = Backordered

  • C = Complete - released but not posted

  • F = Finished - posted

  • H = Hold

  • I = Invoiced

  • N = Not Calculated

  • P = Picked

  • R = Hold - Review

  • U = Unfinished

Control Group ID

ID of the control group from the original order.

  • O = Online

  • C or T = Customer Service & Telesales

  • M = Mail

  • A, Z = System created

Order Source

Source associated with orders that come in from outside of Advantage directly. These are orders that are processed through Order Stream or created through Bookclub.

Web Order Number

The order number a customer sees on their confirmation of an order placed online via the Opium E-Commerce system. Note that web orders that are associated with affiliate shopping carts may not be populated.

Order Date

Date the order was created.

Requested Ship Date

Date the order was requested to be shipped from the warehouse.

Actual Ship Date

Date the order was actually shipped from the warehouse.

Promotion Code

Promotion code used for the product order. Codes starting with an A are associated with a term that was created automatically through Bookclub for auto-delivery service.

Sales Rep Number

The Sales Rep associated with the product order.

Order Line Count

Number or order lines associated with the selected product order.

Credit Reason

For orders in C - Credit Order/Return Memo status, the reason selected for the credit.

Allow Refund

For orders in C - Credit Order/Return Memo status, Y = yes refund the customer, N = no, do not refund the customer.

Apply-To Number

For orders in C - Credit Order/Return Memo status, this number is the order number for the original order.

Gratis Reason

For orders that have been reshipped to the customer, the reason selected for the reshipment.

Gratis Apply-To Number

For orders that have been reshipped o the customer, this number is the order number for the original order.


Associated Customers


If the address on the account has changed since the product order, the Bill-To Ship To will display the address associated with the order and include a message to indicate that this is not the customer's current address.

Customer Authentication






To change or update a credit card on file, go here.

Invoices / Payments

This is a condensed version of what is available from the Invoices & Payments screen used to display simplified information on basic transactions. It is recommended that when complicated transactions are involved to use the Invoices & Payments screen.

If a product order is a Proforma, or credit card decline, no transaction will display here.



These are the default customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Trans. Date

Date of the transaction.

Trans. Nbr

Order number of debit number of the transaction.

Applied to

The order number or debit number the transaction was applied to.


The system name the transaction is associated with.

  • CIR = Circulation or Subscription

  • PRO = Product

  • CEM = Conference

  • AMB = Agreement

  • ARP = Accounts Receivable/Payable

Trans. Type

The type of transaction.

  • I = Invoiced

  • P = Paid

  • B = Billed

  • C = Credit

  • W = Write Off

Transaction Status Description

The status of the transaction.

Total Amt.

The amount debited/credited.

Remaining Amt.

The amount remaining that has not been paid/credited.

Billing Currency

The currency the order was billed in.

Payment Code

The type of credit card used for the transaction.

Payment Nbr

The credit card number used for the transaction. This field is masked to only display the last 4 digits. If the payment is by check, the check number will display here.

Credit or Debit

Shows if the transaction was a debit or credit.


Displays if the transaction has been posted.

Debit Fully Paid

Displays a Y if the debit is fully paid. N if not fully paid.

Due Date

The date the payment is due. This is primarily used for when payments are spread out with installment billing.

Payment Type

The type of payment used. CC = Credit Card. CK = Check.



These are the default customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Tracking Nbr

The tracking number provided by the shipper.

Ship Via

The shipping method selected for the order.

Shipping Date

The date of the shipment.

Country Code

The country code associated with the shipment. If shipped in the US, this was blank.

Quantity Shipped

The total number of items shipped.

Warehouse Number

The warehouse used to fulfill the order.

  • 001 - Sisk Fulfillment

  • EML - Email


The tracking number will generally be loaded on to the account within 2 days of shipping. Not all orders have tracking numbers, this is elected by the fulfillment specialist within the affiliate.

Email Sent History



Auto Delivery Maintenance

For more information on automatic delivery, go here

These are the default customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.


Identifies the product group under which the product is distributed.

  • NS = NorthStar Nutritionals

  • RA = Real Advantage Nutrients

  • BH = Best Health Nutritionals

  • LF = Solaire and GoldLeaf

  • TU = Turapur

  • ET = Eternalist

  • TH = New Summit Nutritionals

  • OV = Nulogic Nutritionals

  • O2 = Smart Science Nutritionals

Product Class Description

Identifies the product that is on automatic shipment.

Series Member Status Description

Status of the automatic delivery.


Status of the automatic delivery.

  • A = Active

  • C = Completed

  • M = Moved/Terminated (not used)

  • S = Suspended

  • Z = Cancelled/Terminated

Product Series

The total number of items shipped.


Identifies the number of orders generated.

  • 000 = first shipment not in Book Club

  • 011= first shipment in Book Club

  • 012 = second shipment in Book Club 

Next Ship Date

Estimated date for the next shipment.

Start Date

Date the automatic shipment started.


Number of order released from Book Club, this does not include the initial order.


Number of orders released that are unpaid, generally the credit card has declined. In order to get the automatic shipment going again, the unpaid order would need to be paid.


Number of orders returned for this automatic delivery.

Original Order Number

Displays what the Originating Order number is on auto delivery orders.

The Original Order will be reset if the customer's ADS was terminated and then reactivated. 

Related Order Lines/Order History

For example, if an order was on backorder and then fulfilled, the original transaction showing the backorder will display in the Order Transaction History.  The information about the fulfilled order will be found in Product Order Information.  As a new transaction is made, the current one will become part of the order history available here.

For products, the information can be found in Related Order Lines tab, for subscriptions in the Order History tab.

These are the default customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Order Number

Order number related to the transaction.


Unique identifier for the order line event.

Item Number/Publication Code

Item number for the product order or pub code for the publication.


Name of the item ordered.

Qty Ordered

Number or items ordered.

Qty Shipped

Number of items shipped.

Qty Remaining

Number of items not yet shipped.

Stock Status

Indicates if item was on backorder.


The warehouse used to fulfill the order.

  • 001 - Sisk Fulfillment

  • EML - Email


Status associated to the product order.

  • Order = Regular Order

  • Return = Return Order

  • Proforma = Credit Card Decline

  • BO Fill = Backorder Fulfillment

Subscription Reference

For publications, this is the subscription reference that links directly back to the pub and customer. Can be searched on, on the Subscriptions page.

Term Number

Which term the order is for.

Operation Code

The code for the operation being conducted by this order. It can be any of the following:


Original Order Lines



Item Number

Item Number associated with the order line.


The description, or name, of the product or subscription associated with the order line.

Qty Ordered

The quantity ordered of the line item.

Qty Shipped

The quantity shipped of the line item. For subscriptions, this should always match the quantity ordered.

Unit Price

Price per unit.

Item Gross

Price x Quantity Ordered.

Ship-to Customer

The customer number the order line was shipped to.

Address Type

The address code associated to the customer number the order line was shipped to.


Indicates if the line item was part of an upsell or cross sell offer. This is only applicable for phone orders.

Product Order Maintenance

For product order maintenance, the options on the right side of the top list frame will display with the option for Applied Returns and there are more options available via the right-click. menu.

Add Applied Return

Used for returning and/or refunding a product order. 

Cancel Backorder

This selection is available by right click. Used for canceling an order that is on backorder.

Delete Order

This selection is available by right click. Used for deleting orders that have not yet posted.


Indicates if the line item was part of an upsell or cross sell offer. This is only applicable for phone orders.

Unit Price

Price per unit.

Wrap up

You should now have a better understanding of product orders in Advantage

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