ADV User Guides Understanding Promotion Offers
Summary / TL:DR: This article is a reference to help you understand promotion offers in Advantage.
Promotion Offers are used to package together choices, premium sets, and credit policies to be used over and over.
Click Promotion Offers in the Marketing Ribbon to navigate to the Promotion Offers screen.
- 1 Promotion Offers Screen
- 2 Recommended Display & Preferences
- 2.1 Preferences
- 3 Details Tab
- 4 Promotion Item Tab
- 5 Premium Sets Tab
- 6 Credit Policy Tab
- 7 Cross-SellsTab
- 8 Promotion Offers Add Mode
- 9 Promotion Item Maintenance
- 9.1 Details Tab
- 9.2 Additional Info Tab
- 9.2.1 Subscriptions and Memberships
- 9.2.2 Products
- 9.2.3 Conferences
- 9.2.4 Agreements
- 10 Wrap up
Promotion Offers Screen
These are the recommended customized columns for this screen. There are more columns available.
Offer Code | Displays the code used to define the promotion offer. |
Publication Code | Displays the publication code of the main publication being sold. |
Offer Description | Provides details about the promotion offer. |
Owning Organization | Displays the owning organization the promotion offer belongs to. |
Added By Description | Displays the name of the person who created the promotion offer. |
Last Updated | Displays the date and time the promotion offer was last updated. |
Last Updated By Description | Displays the name of the person who last updated the promotion offer. |
Credit Policy Code Description | Displays the description of the credit policy being used on the promotion offer. |
Premium Set Description | Displays the description of the premium set being used on the promotion offer. |
Inquire Promotion Offer | Used to inquire on a promotion offer for more details. |
Add Promotion Offer | Used to add a new promotion offer. For more on adding a promotion offer, go here. |
Change Promotion Offer | Used to change an existing promotion offer. |
Copy Promotion Offer | Used to copy an existing promotion offer to create a new one. |
Defaults | Used to view the defaults associated with a promotion offer. |
Script | Not used. |
Recommended Display & Preferences
There are several tabs that display at the bottom half of the screen for the selection Offer Code. The recommended tab as default is the Promotion Item tab as it displays all of the choices associated with the Offer code. From the Promotion Offer screen, navigate to the Promotion Item tab and select Set as default tab. This will ensure the display is always on the Promotion Item tab when on this screen.
There are tabs that are not used at the bottom half of the screen. Click on Preferences in the lower left corner of the screen and the Tab Options dialog box will appear. If needed, unselect to remove unnecessary tabs. It is recommended to uncheck Demographics, Premium Items, Coupons and Documents. Click OK when complete.
Once preferences and defaults are set, it will always be defaulted at this screen until changed.
Details Tab
Displays details of the promotion offer.
Promotion Item Tab
Defines and displays all of the choices that are part of the promotion offer.
Premium Sets Tab
Displays any premium sets either attached to the promotion offer and/or a choice.
Credit Policy Tab
Displays the credit policy, or guarantee, associated with the promotion offer.
Not generally used unless setting up Cross-Sells for order entry.
Promotion Offers Add Mode
Offer Code* | Free form field used to identify the promotion offer. The promotion offer code can be up to 16 characters long. |
Description | Allows users to enter more details and information about the creative. |
Publication | Defines the mail publication being sold. |
Premium Set | Defines the premium set being offered. |
Credit Policy ID* | Defines the credit policy. |
Owning Org | Defines the owning organization the promotion offer belongs to. |
Multiple Agreements? | For AMB packages, not generally used. |
Promotion Item Maintenance
This screen appear when adding a choice to a promotion offer.
Item Number | Defines the publication code or item number of the choice being added. |
Billing Currency | Defines the billing currency of the choice being added. |
Promotion Choice | Free form field that defines the choice being added. |
Details Tab
Choice Description | Describes the choice being added in greater detail. |
Additional Info Tab
Subscriptions and Memberships
If a pub code is entered in the Item Number field on the promotion item maintenance screen, the Additional Info tab will look as it does above
Use Sub Choice | Selecting this option allows users to add a predefined subscription choice. |
Use Member Choice | Selecting this option allows users to add a predefined membership choice. |
Sub Choice | Defines the predefined subscription choice. |
Member Choice | Defines the predefined member choice. |
If an item number is entered in the Item Number field on the promotion item maintenance screen, the Additional Info tab will have the following fields.
Use Item Choice | Selecting this option allows users to add a predefined product choice. |
Item Choice | Defines the predefined product choice. |
If a conference ID is entered in the Item Number field on the promotion item maintenance screen, the Additional Info tab will have the following fields.
Use Conference Choice | Selecting this option allows users to add a predefined conference choice. |
Conference Choice | Defines the predefined conference choice. |
If an access item number is entered in the Item Number field on the promotion item maintenance screen, the Additional Info tab will have the following fields.
Use Agreement Choice | Selecting this option allows users to add a predefined agreement choice. |
Agreement Choice | Defines the predefined agreement choice. |
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding if promotion offers in Advantage.
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