Understanding Agreement Choices
Summary / TL:DR: This article is a reference to help you understand agreement choices in Advantage.
To locate or add a new Agreement choice, navigate to the Agreements area under the Choices section of the Marketing Ribbon.
An agreement choice will grant the customer access to content on a website for a defined period of time at a specified price and renewal.
Timing between billing charges is not to exceed 1 year between charges. This includes, but is not limited automatic renewal or installments. For example, if offering a 2 year option for a subscription or agreement, this option cannot be offered with a renewal flag of ‘C’ on automatic renew as the timing of between charges would be over 1 year.
Agreement Choice Screen
These are suggested customizations for the Agreements area.
Item Number | The Access Item the customer is going to purchase. |
Agreement Choice | Unique identifier for choice the customer is purchasing. The choice name may indicate the price or the period of access. |
Choice Description | An elaboration on the agreement choice, should indicate the price and the period of time. |
Status | Indicates if the choice is active. A - active I - inactive |
Valid Until | Indicates how long this choice can be used. Typically choices will be valid for a long period of time, so that they can be reused. |
Service Period | Indicates how long the customer will have access to the website. This can range from days to years. |
Last Updated | Indicates the date and time the choice was last updated. |
Last Updated By | Indicates the person who made the last update to the choice. |
Agreement Choice Maintenance
Item Number* | The Access Item the customer is going to purchase. |
Agreement Choice* | Unique identifier for choice the customer is purchasing. The choice name may indicate the price or the period of access. |
Details Tab
Choice Description | An elaboration on the agreement choice, should indicate the price and the period of time. |
Status | Indicates if the choice is active. A - active I - inactive |
Valid Until* | Indicates how long this choice can be used. Typically choices will be valid for a long period of time, so that they can be reused. |
Service Period | Indicates how long the customer will have access to the website. This can range from days to years. |
Agreement Ren Flag | Determines how the customer will renew. |
Usage Based | Indicates if an agreement limits the participant's access based on how many times the participant accesses the content |
Trial Term | A trial agreement is identified by an Agreement Type of T, which is entered when initially setting up an agreement. Trial agreements can only be set up when adding a new agreement |
Comp Reasons | The complimentary reason code explains why an agreement is complimentary. It is required for "C" and "T" type agreements. |
Free Days | Indicates how many days of free access an agreement gets before it starts. |
Extension Days | Indicates how many days of free access an agreement gets after it expires. |
Exclude from Auto Suspend | Allows you to exclude an agreement from Auto Suspending. |
Maximum Participants | Dictates the maximum number of participants that can be linked to an agreement. |
Auto-Renew Chain | Allows you to step a customer through a series of autorenewal terms, using agreement choices. |
Earning Period | Defines the timespan over which liability is earned. This is independent of the access period. |
Premium Set | Identifies a product that a customer can receive for free and what must be done to earn it. |
Permit Web Bill-Me | This field determines if orders be allowed without an initial payment. |
Quantity Ordered | Determines the quantity to be ordered. |
Price Code | The price code comes from a number of sources, including direct entry at Order Entry, and from a data entry script default. |
Pricing Method | Defines how an agreement calculates the price. |
Credit Policy Code | Identifies a credit policy which defines how credits are created when a sub is cancelled. |
Email Delivery of Content | Indicates whether the content requires a valid email address to be delivered. |
Subscription Type | This is a code for describing a group of similar subscriptions. |
Society | Includes source of content and typically involves membership levels and fees. |
Discount % | Indicates what percentage discount is applied to the item price. A 40% discount is entered as 40. Must be at least "0" and at most "100" |
Discount Combination Code | Determines how to combine this discount with other discounts. |
Agreement Choice Details Tab
Item Number | The Access Item the customer is going to purchase. |
Agreement Choice | Unique identifier for choice the customer is purchasing. The choice name may indicate the price or the period of access. |
Billing Currency | The currency the order was billed in. |
Installment Billing Code | The installment billing code if one is associated with the choice. |
Agreement Choice Detail Maintenance
Item Number | The Access Item the customer is going to purchase. |
Agreement Choice | Unique identifier for choice the customer is purchasing. The choice name may indicate the price or the period of access. |
Billing Currency | The currency the order was billed in. |
Installment Billing Code | The installment billing code if one is associated with the choice. |
Unit Price | The price per unit. |
Total Price | The total price to be debited/credited. |
Included Amount | Display the extra amount debited/credited. |
Payment Options Tab
Payment options are defaulted for the choices and should not be adjusted without working with support
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding of agreement choices in Advantage.
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