Access Management and Billing (AMB)

Access Management and Billing (AMB)

Summary / TL:DR

This article serves as a reference page and will provide information to better understand AMB, or Access Management and Billing, type orders in Advantage.

12 min read

Note that some field names and locations may vary slightly based on individual scripts used at Customer Activity. 

Table of contents



These instructions should be followed using these scripts:

Agreement Script: AMBOVH+PRORATION

The sections shown will have more steps under different scripts.

Agreement Summary

Additional Agreement

Access Service

An Access Service is a high level code which houses all the Access Items being offered. There is one Access Service per affiliate.

Agreement ID

Unique identifier of the agreement.

Agreement Status

The statuses of an agreement:

  • Active

  • Billing Suspended

  • Non Pay Cancelled

  • Not Released

  • Suspended

  • Cancelled

  • Reversed

  • Expired

  • Pre Free Days

  • Extension of Grace Days

  • Waiting

  • Pro Forma

  • Old Version

Service Period

The service length of time for the agreement.

Start Date

The date the agreement first starts

Expiry Date

Date the agreement will expire

Final Expiry Date

Date the agreement will expire including any future terms

Added on

Date and user who added the agreement


The agreement type categorizes an agreement as to how it is paid for:

  • Invoiceable

  • Complimentary

  • Trial

  • Pro-Forma

Added On

Date the agreement was added to Advantage


Number associated with the amount of times a customer has renewed/ordered an agreement. For example, the first time the customer orders, the Term Number is 1. When the term renews, that new term is term 2.


Version number of the agreement. Each time a change is made to an agreement, a new version is created.


Indicates if the agreement version has been released.


Indicates if the agreement version has been posted.

Updated on

Date and user who last updated the agreement.

Last Renewal Date

The date a renewal last took place

Last Renewal Effort

The last renewal effort associated to the agreement.

Last Renewal Promotion

The most recent renewal code assigned to the agreement during the renewal process. 

Times Renewed

The number of times the customer has renewed their agreement.


Additional Agreement

Item Description

Displays the title of the Access Service the customer is subscribed to. 

Access Service Description

The description of the access service the agreement item is associated with.

Access Item

Item number(s) that the agreement is for.

Access Service

The Access service ID that the agreement is associated with.

Subscription Type

A code for describing a group of similar subscriptions.


Displays the package item number if the agreement is part of a package. Click the hyperlink to get more information on the package.

Billing Currency

The currency the order was billed in.

Unit Price

The price per unit.

Gross Amount

The gross amount of the agreement.

Net Sales Amount

The net sales amount of the agreement.

Current Term Versions

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Show Unreleased Versions

When checked, will display unreleased versions in the list frame.

Show Historical Versions

Displays historical versions in the list frame.

Show Deleted/Canceled Components

When checked, will display deleted and/or cancelled components in the list frame.

Hide Package Components

When checked, will hide package components in the list frame.

Agreement Term

Term number associated with the transaction.

Agreement Version

Version of the agreement associated with the transaction.

Service Period

This is the length of time the service run for until it is either renewed or naturally expires. 

Agreement Status Description

The status of the agreement associated with the transaction.


Displays AMB for Access Management and Billing.

Item Number

The Access Item that the agreement is associated with.

Item Number Description

Displays the name of the access item.

Billing Status Description

The billing status associated with the transaction.

Unit Price

Shows the current price of the agreement.

Renewal Handling

Displays the renewal flag for the agreement.

Date Posted

The date the payment has posted for the agreement.


Agreement Access Points dialog box.

Inquire Item

Item Overview dialog box (blue tower).

Inquire Agreement

Access Agreement Entry dialog box.

Bill-to Ship-to

In general, agreements only have a  participant shown here as the bill-to customer.

When searching for an account at Customer Activity, you are by default searching by the bill-to customer. This means that if the customer has different account numbers associated with their bill-to and ship-to, the agreement will only show up in Customer Activity if you are looking at the bill-to customer.  Nothing for that agreement will display under the ship-to account number. You can change this search by selecting Receiving Customer as your Search By

Website Login

From this tab you can add, change or delete a login associated with the agreement.

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Authentication ID

Unique identifier of the login.

Auth Group Description

The authentication group associated with the agreement's login. Some affiliates have one auth group for their site, while others have multiple auth groups setup based on their infrastructure of their website.

Auth Type

Displays the field to determine where the username/password will be displayed:

 If the Auth Type is L...

 If the Auth Type is E...

Auth Type Description

Displays information related to the Authentication Value field. And will denote whether it is a customers email address or a website login ID.

Authentication Value

The username the customer uses to log in to the website. Generally this will be the customer's email address.

Email Address

If the Auth Type is L, this is the username for the website login.


If the Auth Type is E, this is the username for the website login.

Record Status

The status of the login.

  • A = Active

  • I = Inactive

Last Login

Date and time of the last login the customer did on the website.

Last Updated

Shows the date the displayed information was last updated

Last Updated By Description

Name/identity of the last user to update the login record.

The field ‘Password’ contains the customer’s password for the website, however it should never be provided to the customer over the phone or by email for security purposes.  Therefore, we don’t recommend adding this field to your display.

Auto-Charge Information

If the customer is not on automatic renewal, this will display:

To change or update a credit card on file, go here.

Email Addresses

These email addresses are used for the email fulfillment associated with an agreement. Customer's can add multiple email addresses to an agreement to receive emails to multiple email addresses. From this tab you can edit, change and add email addresses.

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Customer Number

Customer number associated with the email address.

Participant Name

Name of the agreement participant.

Access Service

Item number associated with the access service.

Access Item

Item number associated with the access item.


Unique identifier of the email address.

Email Address

The email address on file for the agreement.

Email Valid

Displays if the email address is a valid email. This flag changes if bounces are received from emails sent to that address.

Email Status Description

The status of the email address.

  • A = Active

  • I = Inactive

  • X = Permanently Inactive

  • S = Not Receiving

  • B = Not Receiving

Owning Org

Displays the owning org associated with the agreement.

Last Updated

Displays the date the agreement was last edited.

Last Updated By

Shows the name of the agent that last updated the account.

Invoices / Payments

This is a condensed version of what is available from the Invoices & Payments screen used to display simplified information on basic transactions. It is recommended that when complicated transactions are involved to use the Invoices & Payments screen. From this tab you can Add Payment to an open invoice.

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Trans. Date

Date of the transaction.

Trans. Nbr

Order number of debit number of the transaction.

Applied to

The order number or debit number the transaction was applied to.


The system name the transaction is associated with.

  • CIR = Circulation or Subscription

  • PRO = Product

  • CEM = Conference

  • AMB = Agreement

  • ARP = Accounts Receivable/Payable

Trans. Type

The type of transaction.

  • I = Invoiced

  • P = Paid

  • B = Billed

  • C = Credit

  • W = Write Off

Transaction Status Description

The status of the transaction.

Total Amt.

The amount debited/credited.

Remaining Amt.

The amount remaining that has not been paid/credited.

Billing Currency

The currency the order was billed in.

Payment Code

The type of credit card used for the transaction.

Payment Nbr

The credit card number used for the transaction. This field is masked to only display the last 4 digits. If the payment is by check, the check number will display here.

Credit or Debit

Shows if the transaction was a debit or credit.


Displays if the transaction has been posted.

Debit Fully Paid

Displays a Y if the debit is fully paid. N if not fully paid.

Due Date

The date the payment is due. This is primarily used for when payments are spread out with installment billing.

Payment Type

The type of payment used. CC = Credit Card. CK = Check.

Install Bill Code

This will give the agents an idea of what payment terms the current agreement is under. i.e 10M would mean the invoice is payable over 10 monthly installments. 

Email Sent History

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Email History by Owning Organization and Item Number

Shows e-mail fulfillment history records when checked.

Unique ID

Unique identifier of the email sent.

Email Address

The email address on file for the agreement.

Date Sent

Date the email was originally sent to the customer.

Time Sent

Time the email was originally sent to the customer.

Status Description

The status of the email sent.

  • Delivered

  • Bounced

Bounce Reason

The reason for the bounce - currently all are recorded as Bounce.

Email Subject

Description from Message Central of the email sent to the customer. Not necessarily the subject line of the email, this is controlled by what is entered in Message Central.

Previous Terms

Every time the customer is rolled into a new term, the details of the old terms are available here. Use Inquire to display more information about the previous term.

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Show Unreleased Versions

When checked, will display unreleased versions in the list frame.

Show Historical Versions

Displays historical versions in the list frame.

Show Deleted/Canceled Components

When checked, will display deleted and/or cancelled components in the list frame.

Hide Package Components

When checked, will hide package components in the list frame.

Agreement Term

Number associated with the amount of times a customer has renewed/ordered an agreement. For example, the first time the customer orders, the Term Number is 1. When the term renews, that new term is term 2.

Agreement Version

Version of the agreement associated with the transaction.

Agreement Status Description

The status of the agreement associated with the transaction.


Displays AMB for Access Management and Billing.

Item Number

Item number associated with the agreement.

Item Number Description

Displays the name of the access item.

Customer Number

Customer number associated with the agreement.

Billing Status Description

The billing status associated with the transaction.

Renewal Future Terms

Use Inquire to display more information about the renewal future term. From this tab you can also perform modifications to this term.

These are the default customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.

Future AMB terms can be Modified by selecting Add Version or Canceled by selecting Cancel/Return Selected Order Line from this tab.

Show Unreleased Versions

When checked, will display unreleased versions in the list frame.

Show Historical Versions

Displays historical versions in the list frame.

Show Deleted/Canceled Components

When checked, will display deleted and/or cancelled components in the list frame.

Hide Package Components

When checked, will hide package components in the list frame.

Agreement Term

Number associated with the amount of times a customer has renewed/ordered an agreement. For example, the first time the customer orders, the Term Number is 1. When the term renews, that new term is term 2.

Agreement Version

Version of the agreement associated with the transaction.

Agreement Status Description

The status of the agreement associated with the transaction.


Displays AMB for Access Management and Billing.

Item Number

Item number associated with the agreement.

Item Number Description

Displays the name of the access item.

Customer Number

Customer number associated with the agreement.

Billing Status Description

The billing status associated with the transaction.

Original Order Lines

Wrap up

You should now have a better understanding of AMB, or Access Management and Billing, type orders in Advantage.

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