Understanding Product Choices
Summary / TL:DR: This article is a reference to help users understand product choices in Advantage.
Product choices define the item being sold, price, and the quantity. Product choices can also have automatic delivery or standing order associated with them.
Timing between billing charges is not to exceed 1 year between charges. This includes, but is not limited automatic renewal or installments. For example, if offering a 2 year option for a subscription or agreement, this option cannot be offered with a renewal flag of ‘C’ on automatic renew as the timing of between charges would be over 1 year.
Item Choices Screen
These are the recommended customized columns for this screen. There are more columns available.
Item Number | Displays the parent publication for the membership. |
Item Number Description | Displays name of product. |
Item Choice | Displays the code that identifies the member choice. |
Item Choice Description | Displays addition information about the choice. |
Item Choice Valid Until | Displays the date the choice is valid through. |
Status | Displays whether the choice is active or inactive. |
Premium Set | Displays the premium set attached to the choice. |
Premium Set Description | Displays the description of the premium set attached to the choice. |
Club Code Description | Recommended for affiliates working with automatic delivery products. Displays the automatic delivery bookclub code. |
Last Updated | Displays the date and time the choice was last updated. |
Last Updated by Description | Displays the name of the user that last updated the choice. |
Item Choice Maintenance
Item Number | Defines the product being sold. |
Item Choice | Free form field that defines the item choice code. Item choices can contain up to 6 characters. |
Details Tab
General Attributes
Description* | Defines more information about the choice. |
Install Bill Code | Defines the installment billing code that will be used to charge the customer if the initial payment is to be paid in installments - this is not typical for products. The selection is setup for all users, if unsure which to select for an offer, or a new one needs to be added, contact support. |
Premium Set | Defines the premium set the customer will receive by selecting this choice. Premium sets can also be entered at the Promotion Offer level. Premium sets can be entered here if this choice should fulfill a different premium set than the other choices on the offer. |
Shipping Rule ID | Not used. |
Carry PRM to BCL | Used to determine if a premium set associated with a choice should carry over to BCL - Automatic Delivery. |
Credit Policy Code | Defines the credit policy that will determine refund rules if the customer returns the product. Credit policies can are also required to be entered at the Promotion Offer level. Credit policies entered here will override the one entered on the Promotion Offer level. Enter a credit policy here if refund rules for this choice should be different than other choices in the offer. |
Permit Web Bill-me | Not used. |
Society | Not used. |
Subscription Type | Not used for products. |
Discount Combo Code | Not used. |
Discount % | Not used. |
Default Quantity | Defines the quantity defaulted for the choice. |
Reprice Linked Packages | Not used. |
Refund Credit Flag | Not used. |
Valid Until* | Defines how long this choice is active. |
Status* | Defines the status of the choice. This field is checked by default and should not be changed. |
Bookclub Attributes
Bookclub is the name Advantage gives to the module associated with Automatic Delivery.
Club Code | Defines the organization the product belongs to. |
Product Class | Defines the product along with product series code. |
Book Club Product Series Code | Defines the product along with product class. |
Product Series Step | Defines starting point within Bookclub. Typically this is step 0. |
Shipment Frequency | Defines how often the product will be shipped. |
Set Calendar Based Frequency | Not used. |
Require credit card/direct debit | For automatic delivery, this should always be checked unless using a bill-me model (not common). |
Frq is Qty-based | These fields can be used to set variable handling for the BCL Shipment Frequency. Not generally used. |
Copy original coupon onto series | When checked, the coupon used on the original order will be applied to all subsequent shipments from bookclub. |
Frequency Adjustment | Not used. |
Membership Attributes
Membership Org | For use when a product is only available when a customer is in membership - the organization related to the membership. Not used. |
Member Category | Not used. |
Member Type | Not used. |
Standing Order Choice
Product Series Code | Defines the standing order series. |
Standing Order Freq | Indicates that a customer is skipping releases, valid values 1-9. 1 – gets every order in the series, 2- every second order in the series, and so on. Not generally used. |
Credit Card Required | This should be checked unless the offer includes a bill-me option. |
STO Choice | Defines the rate if a number of releases are being offered at a lower price. |
Package Participation
Package Number | Used to restrict the use of item choices to customers who are ‘participants’ in an active AMB agreement that contains the specified package. Not generally used. |
Item Choice Prices Tab
These are the recommended customized columns for this screen. There are more columns available.
Billing Currency | Displays the billing currency for the choice. |
Effective Quantity | Displays the quantity associated with the unit price. |
Unit Price | Displays the price per unit. |
Postage Amount | Displays the shipping amount associated with the unit price. |
Requested Ship Via | Displays the ship via for the choice. |
Item Choice Price Maintenance
Item Number | Displays the Item Number code entered on the Item Choice Maintenance popup. |
Item Choice | Displays the item choice code entered on the Item Choice Maintenance popup. |
Billing Currency | Defines the billing currency. |
Takes Effect On | Enter an effective price date in this field. All existing item choices will be back-filled with the default date of 01/01/1990. |
Effective Quantity | Defines the quantity that will ship. |
Unit Price | Defines the price per product/bottle. |
Requested Ship Via | Determines shipping charges. |
Postage Amount | For each delivery method code you defined, additional postage charges for one-year's-worth of issues are listed. That annual postage rate is multiplied by the number of years for which this order is being added. You can change this computed postage amount by using the "C" (change) function after you have added the transaction. If you do change this field, keep in mind that this is the postage for the specific term of this subscription. |
Postage Override | Indicates whether you want to override the postage amount at the order-line level. |
Included Amount | The amount of a subscription charge that is for a premium's postage. |
Next Book Club Price | The price that will be charged for all subsequent items in the book club series. |
BCL Requested Ship Via | Indicates the customer's preferred method of shipping the order. |
Default Unit Price | The price per quantity that is used if not terms are in effect. |
Geo Based Price Required | Dictates if an order must have a geographic rate defined when using this promotion. |
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding of product choices in Advantage.
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