Order Entry Screen (MSTFST)

Order Entry Screen (MSTFST)

This article serves as a reference page and will provide information to better understand the order entry screen in Advantage. This is also referred to as the Fast Entry Screen, or MSTFST.

10 min read

Table of contents



  1. From the Order Entry screen, select Script

  2. Select the Order Entry script

  3. Click OK

Once a script is selected, it will always be defaulted at this screen until you change it.



Search By

Sometimes when coming from another Advantage screen, the customer may by default be in the Customer Number field filtering your screen to only show orders in your control group for that customer. Simply delete the customer number and select Search to display all orders in your control group.

Order Header Details

These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Order Number

Unique number associated with the transaction. Contains letters and numbers.

Customer Number

The account number of the bill-to customer associated with the transaction.

Primary Bill-to Name

The full name of the bill-to customer.

Order Lines

Number of order lines associated with the transaction.

Order Total

The total amount of the transaction.

Total Amount Paid

The total amount paid toward the transaction. This is used to ensure the order total and amount paid match on order transactions.

Order Status Description

Description of the status of the transaction.

  • Unfinished

  • Selected for invoicing

  • Complete

  • Finished

Order Posting Status Description

Description of the status of posting for the transaction.

  • Not Posted

  • Fully Posted

  • Partial Posted

Posting Date/Time

The date and time the order posted.

Right Click Options:


Inquire Order

Used to display the Master Order Maintenance dialog box.

Move Order

Used to move order to a different control group.

Post Order

This selection is available by right click. Used for manually posting an order. Once selected, you will not be able to perform any other functions until the posting is complete.

Add Order

Used to add a new order.

Change Order

Not used. To make changes to order lines, use the Change Line option at the bottom half of the screen. To make changes to the order header, delete the order and reenter.

Delete Order

Used to delete the selected order(s) or transactions from the control group.


Used to select the script used for the screen.


This selection is available by right click. Used to return to the Payment Details and make any necessary changes.

Override Freight

This selection is available by right click. Used to return to the Shipping Charges and make any necessary changes for the shipping amount.

Order Line Details

These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Item Number

The item number associated with the product order transaction.


The item name for the item transaction.

Qty Ordered

The quantity associated with the order line.

Qty Shipped

The quantity shipped with the order line.


Associated with commission tracking - this column denotes if the order line was part of an upsell or cross-sell transaction.

  • Y or A = Yes

  • N = No

Unit Price

The price per unit.

Item Gross

The price per order line - does not include tax or shipping associated with the order.

Ship-to Customer

The customer number of the ship-to address.

Address Code

The address code associated with the ship-to address.


Identifies the warehouse used for that order line.

Right Click Options:


Inquire Order Line

Used to display the Product Order Lines dialog box.

Add Order Line

Used for adding an additional order line to the selected order.

Change Order Line

Used for changing details on an order line.

Delete Order Line

Used to delete the selected order line(s).

Control Group

For more on control groups, go here.

Add Mode

If you have started an order, you will be prompted to delete the order before returning to the display view.  After an order is entered, you will remain in add mode to enter another order.

Order Information




Bill-to Customer

The customer number associated with the bill-to address.

Customer Address Code

The address code for the customer number associated with the bill-to address.

Ship-to Customer

If different, the customer number associated with the ship-to address. Any premiums sent by mail will be associated with this account, not the line item ship-to address.

Ship-to Address Code

The address code for the customer number associated with the ship-to address.

Promotion Code

Associated with the offer the customer received, this identifies the location of the offer, item(s), price(s), credit policy and premium.

Order Currency / Premium

Billing Currency

The currency associated with the order. This will default based on the default currency set on the customer's account and can be adjusted if necessary, although that is not common.

Welcome Package

The welcome package, also referred to as a premium, is the free report(s) associated with the promotion code. This will default to the premium associated with the promotion code entered in the previous step. In some cases, such as using a no code, you can manually override the welcome package the customer should receive here.

Gratis Reason Code

If a gratis order, you will be required to choose a reason.


Line Item Details



Item Number

Identifies the item ordered on the line. Use the drop down to select item associated with the promotion code.

Quantity Ordered

Identifies the quantity of the item being ordered. For subscriptions, this is generally 1 so that the customer only receives 1 copy of the newsletter.

Promotion Code

The promotion code associated with the order line. For multi-line orders, the promotion code can be changed if necessary.

Promotion Choice

Identifies the price and shipping options associated with the item number and promotion code. Use the drop down to select a choice.

Shipment Frequency

For automatic delivery, this will default based on the promotion choice but can be overriden in this field. Defines the amount of days between shipments.

Ship-to Customer

The customer number associated with the line item for the ship-to address. Any premiums sent by mail will be associated with the ship to account defined in the Order Information section. For multi-line orders, each line can be defined to a different account if necessary.

Address Code

The address code for the customer number associated with the ship-to address.

Requested Ship Via

Identifies the shipment method associated with the promotion choice selected. Can be overriden in this field if necessary.


For tracking used in reporting, identifies if there was an upsell associated with the line item.

Override e-mail

For product orders, the email address will automatically fill in for the customer selected, however if the email address filled in needs be changed, check this box and enter the email address in the Email Address field below. Subscriptions, memberships and AMB line items will prompt for the email address in the next step.

Email Address

For product orders, the email address associated with the order line. Can be overriden by checking the box for Override e-mail.

More Emails

When overriding an email address for a product order, select this to display email addresses associated with the account. If the email address is not already associated with the account, manually enter in to the Email Address field.

Add Line Item

Select when details have been entered and you want to continue to next step. This will add the line item and allow for more items to be added. For subscriptions, memberships and AMB orders, you will be prompted to enter more details. Once completed adding order lines, hit ESC to get to the next step.

Add to Book Club

N is the default, but you can choose Y for the BCL default setup, or M to modify the BCL fields.

Depending on the type of order, there may be additional order details necessary to complete. There is no continue button on this phase as you can continue to add as many items as the customer would like to order. To continue to the next step, hit Esc.

Shipping Charges



Shipping Amount

The shipping cost, or freight cost, associated with the order. This will fill in automatically based on the promotion code, item and promotion choice selected. This can be overridden in this field if necessary.

When the shipping cost is overridden, a dialog box will appear to confirm the changes.

Continues to Payment Details.

Payment Details



Payment Types

Types of payment that can be applied to the order

  • Check - used for entering check payment orders. Only use if check has been received, if customer contacts to place an order by check, they must be mailed in before entered.

  • Credit Card - used for entering payment by credit card using card vault.

  • Available Credits - used for entering payment with an available credit on the account. This will be greyed out if there are not available credits.

Installment Billing

Identifies the installment billing associated with the payment. This can be overridden to enter a payment with installment billing.

Min. Down Payment

Identifies the minimum down payment associated with an installment billing code.

Vary installment amounts and dates

Allows for users to define when and how much customers are charged at each installment. When checked, a dialog box will appear once the order is submitted to enter payment amounts/dates.


Totals associated with the order.

  • Invoice Amount - total amount of the order

  • Amount Paid - total amount entered with order

  • Amount Due - total amount paid minus the invoice amount

  • Billing Currency - currency associated with the order


Payment details.

  • Credit Card

  • Check

  • Available Credits

Add Card

Clicking Add Card will open up the secure payment entry dialog box, where payment details will be securely entered.

Multiple Payments

Allows for multiple payments to be applied at once. This function only allows for multiple payments with separate payment types - for example, you cannot use multiple credit cards in a single transaction. You can use a credit card and an available credit using multiple payments.

Submit Order

Submits the order and does a pre-authorization of the credit card. When successful, you will remain in add mode on the Order Entry screen to place another order. Hit Esc to return to the main view of the Order Entry screen.

Consent Checkbox

When placing an order for something that will have a recurring charge, you will now see the checkbox that appears on the screen. You will need to read the text to the customer, and if they consent, you will check the checkbox, and you will proceed as normal.

Wrap up

You should now have a better understand the order entry screen in Advantage.

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