Understanding the Customer Note Activity Screen

Understanding the Customer Note Activity Screen

Summary / TL:DR: This article will help you understand the Customer Note Activity screen in Advantage.

This is a review of the Customer Note Activity screen, also referred to as The NAC.  This module is used for management of e-mails, letters and various tasks.

Note Activity

Customer Number

This displays the customer number the note is assigned to. Scanned/Mailed letters will be assigned to a Proxy Customer account and then manually assigned to the customer's account by a user. 

Customer Name

The name associated with the customer's account. If there is no name on file, this will display as EMAILONLY.

Remaining Notes

This displays how many open notes are in the queue/waiting to be worked based on the folder the user is assigned to.

Current Folder

Displays the folder path for the note beginning with the parent folder. The parent folder name will indicate the source (MAIL, EMAIL, TASKS) or the Affiliate name/org (INH, INTERNATIONALLLIVING, AF).



This completes the current note, and moves the rep to the next note.*never hit ‘OK’ until a done date is filled in*


This clears any text that the rep has entered in the Note phase.


This allows a rep to move a note to another folder. Generally this is used when the rep does not know how to handle the note. When transferring, the rep is required to pick the folder to transfer the note to, as well as a reason for the transfer.


This allows a rep to place a note on hold, and continue to work on others. When placing a note on hold, the rep must enter a hold reason.

Held Notes

This brings up a dialog displaying all of the user’s held notes. The rep may then choose to work one of the help notes, or transfer it. If the rep chooses to work a held note, any changes to the current note (the note being worked before Held Notes was pushed) will be lost.

Send Response

This allows you the send a letter (response) to the customer. This will require you to fill out a series of questionnaires.

Change Customer

This will allow you to change the customer if an incorrect customer has been assigned to a note. This may happen if a customer has multiple accounts.


System Name

Defines the module associated with the note. This fills in based on what screen the Notes icon was accessed from.

  • AMB - Agreement Related Contacts

  • ARP - ARP Contacts

  • BIL - Invoice Special Handling Note

  • CIR - Subscription Related Contacts

  • CTM - Customer Alert Contacts

  • DUP - Duplicate Consolidation Note

  • LTR - Letters

  • MOD - Subscription Modifications

  • MSC - Miscellaneous Customer Comment

  • ORD - Master Order

  • PRO - Product Related Contacts

  • SVC - Customer Service Contact

  • TEL - Telesales Contact

  • TSK - Task Escalation

  • WEB - Web Contact

Reason Category

Groups together a category of contact reasons. Generally these are setup by affiliate or customer service group. 


Identifies the customer's reason for contacting. Reasons are attached to Reason Categories.


Subject for the note.

Communicated by

Identifies the method of contact by the customer.

  • CALLBK - Customer Callback

  • CLICK - Click to Chat

  • CONFRNCE - Conference

  • EMAIL - Email Contact

  • EWO - Emergency Web Order

  • FAX - Fax

  • MAIL - Mail

  • OFFCHAT - Offline Click to Chat

  • OUTBOUND - Outbound

  • PHONE - Inbound Phone

  • SVC - Work in the NAC

  • TASK - Task

  • V-MAIL - Voicemail

  • WEB - Web

Cross-Sell Path

Identifies either the phone number or product line/affiliate the call is associated with.

Docket Number

Used to display incoming email/scanned mail.

Regarding Product

Identifies the item number associated with the contact.


Identifies the follow-up action associated with the contact. Actions are tied to reasons. This is generally used to associate a letter with a note.


Date action complete

Send Response

When entering a note, used to generate a letter from the note directly.

Follow Up Date/Time

Displays date and time for follow-up if a note was marked to follow-up.

Follow Up User

User associated with the note.


Used to designate the date a note was completed. Used when managing contacts in the NAC.

Inbound Email Address

Displays the inbound email address associated with a note generated from an email.

Inbound Email Subject

Displays the inbound email subject associated with a note generated from an email.

Note Text

Free form entry of notes detailing the contact.

Claimed Notes

When a rep works a note in the NAC, the rep “claims” all other notes for the same customer within the active folder. When notes are claimed in this way, they are shown in a dedicated list frame seen only by the rep who has claimed the notes.


Inquire on a letter

Used to see the actual letter that was sent to the customer

Wrap up

You should now have an understanding of Customer Note Activity screen in Advatage.

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