Understanding Premium Sets
Summary / TL:DR: This article is a reference to help you understand premium sets in Advantage.
Premium sets are the free gift a customer receives when they place an order. These are often used to entice the customer. Premium sets can consist of reports, books, trial subscriptions, welcome kits, and even iPads or gold. Click Premium Sets in the Marketing ribbon to navigate to the Premium Sets screen.
Premium Set Definitions Screen
These are the recommended customized columns for the top of this screen. There are more columns available.
Premium Set | Displays the code used to identify the premium set. |
Premium Set Description | Describes the details about the premium set. |
Linked Premium Set | Displays the linked premium set If there is one. |
Last Updated | Displays the date and time the premium set was last updated. |
Last Updated By | Displays the Advantage user ID of the last person to update the premium set. |
Last Updated By Description | Displays the full name of the last person to update the premium set. |
Expiration Date | Displays the Expiration Date for the selected Premium Set. |
These are the recommended customized columns for the top of this screen. There are more columns available.
Premium Set | Displays the code used to identify the premium set. |
Earned At | Displays how the customer will earn the premium set. |
Response Sequence | Displays the order in which each part if the premium set will be fulfilled. |
Paid-Up % | Displays the percentage the customer needs to pay in order for the premium set to be fulfilled. |
Days to Respond | Displays when the premium is eligible to when the response is made in N days. |
First N Response | Displays when a premium is defined to the first N responses. For example, the first 100 to respond receive an extra report. |
Premium Set Definition Maintenance
Premium Set | A free form field that allows users to enter the code used to identify the premium set. This code can be up to 6 characters long. |
Premium Set Description | A free form field that allows users to enter more details about the premium set. |
Expiration Date | Set an Expiration Date for your premiums, which you must use with the Then Use field. |
Then Use | Enter the premium set you wish to use after your current premium expires. Used with the Expiration Date field. |
Premium Set | Displays the code used to identify the premium set. |
Earned At | Displays how the customer will earn the premium set. |
Response Sequence | Displays the order in which each part if the premium set will be fulfilled. |
Paid-Up% | Displays the percentage the customer needs to pay in order for the premium set to be fulfilled. |
Days to Respond | Displays when the premium is eligible to when the response is made in N days. |
First N Responses | Displays when a premium is defined to the first N responses. For example, the first 100 to respond receive an extra report. |
Premium Set Detail Maintenance
Premium Set | Displays the code used to identify the premium set. | |
Earned At | Determines how the customer will earn the premium set.
| |
Response Sequence | Determines the order in which each part of the premium set will be fulfilled. | |
Select Only Once | Determines when to stop fulfilling sequences. | |
Box Unchecked | Will fulfill all steps in the sequence. | |
Box Checked | Will stop at this step in the sequence if the customer qualifies. This is most commonly used if there are different steps for 1 year and 2 year orders. |
Details Tab
Paid Up % | Determines the amount a customer must pay in order to qualify. | |
Days to Respond | Determines the number of days the customer has to respond to qualify. Not generally used. | |
Within Responses | Determines the number of responses the customer must be within to qualify. Not generally used. | |
Term/Amt/Line# | Determines whether the qualifications set in this section are based off how much the customer paid or the subscription length purchased. | |
D - Currency Amount | Allows users to enter a price range for the order purchased in order to qualify for this step. | |
L - Order Line Number | Not used. | |
T - Length of Term | Allows users to enter a term length range that will qualify the customer to be fulfilled at this step. | |
V - Total Order Value | Allows users to determine a total order value (if multiple items were purchased) for the customer to qualify for this premium set. | |
Low | Depending on the Term/Amt/Line# qualification set above, this field determines either the lowest dollar amount of term length that would qualify the customer to receive this premium set. | |
High | Depending on the Term/Amt/Line# qualification set above, this field determines either the highest dollar amount of term length that would qualify the customer to receive this premium set. | |
Only if ship-to equals bill-to | Check if the order qualifies based on if the ship to and the bill to address is the same. | |
Response Type | Allows to limit to control group response type. Not generally used. | |
Fulfill once per recipient? | This will prevent the system from sending out the same premium on a given sequence number of a premium set. It does not limit customers from receiving the same premium across multiple sequences. You can set up the premium to offer the same item on different sequences. If you do not set the Select Only Once field to N, the customer can still receive duplicate premiums (across response sequences), even if the "Fulfill once per recipient?" flag is checked. | |
Fulfill at | Determines when the premium set will be fulfilled. | |
E - Fulfill when earned | Typically used for product orders with a product premium when used along with earned at response, this ships items together. | |
I - Fulfill with issue | Will fulfill when the first issue of subscription ordered is fulfilled or it will ship along with a product order. | |
N - Fulfill after next BCL order | Will fulfill after the next auto delivery of a product is shipped. | |
S - Fulfill through separate order | Will fulfill through a separate order. This is ideal so the premium set will fulfill asap. Otherwise, the premium set will not be fulfilled until the first issue of the subscription ordered is fulfilled or until a product is shipped. If a product is on backorder, the premium set will not be fulfilled until the product is. | |
Item | Determines the premium set that the customer will receive if qualified. | |
Sub Choice | Determines the subscription choice the customer will be subscribed to if the premium set includes a trial subscription. | |
Send-to | Determines who the premium set will be sent to. | |
S - Ship-to Customer | Will send the ship-to customer the premium set. | |
B - Bill-to Customer | Will send the bill-to customer the premium set. | |
Ship-Via | Determines through which carrier method the premium set will be shipped. 1st should always be selected for premium sets. | |
Life Max | Used to limit the number of premium items the customer can receive. For instance, if you only want the customer to receive one book as a premium set, use a Life Max of 1. Customer service agents will still be able to gratis ship a customer the premium set if necessary. | |
Delay Days | Used to set a certain amount of days to delay before releasing an item or adding a customer to a list. This is useful if the triggering order is a subscription and you want to wait to ensure the customer doesn’t cancel the subscription upon receiving the premium. | |
Publication | The PUB code that identifies a magazine. | |
Extend length of subscription by ____ issues at no additional charge | The amount of issues to extend the subscription by. | |
Reduce subscription rate this amount | The amount to reduce the rate of the subscription by. | |
Reduction Currency | The currency the reduction rate of the subscription will use. | |
Use this adjustment reason code | Reason code that will be used for subscription rate adjustment. |
Premium Set Lists Tab
List Code | Displays the list code that determines which free eletter the customer will be subscribed to. |
Add Bill to Customer | Displays whether the bill to customer on the order will be subscribed to the free eletter. |
Add Ship to Customer | Displays whether the ship to customer on the order will be subscribed to the free eletter. |
Premium Set | Displays the code used to identify the premium set. |
Earned At | Displays how the customer will earn the premium set. |
Response Sequence | Displays the order in which each part if the premium set will be fulfilled. |
List Code | Determines the list (free eletter) the customer will be subscribed to. |
Add Bill to Customer | When selected, the bill to customer on the order will be subscribed to the free eletter. |
Add Ship to Customer | When selected, the ship to customer on the order will be subscribed to the free eletter. |
Delay Days | Used to set a certain amount of days to delay before releasing an item or adding a customer to a list. |
Premium Set Conditions Tab
Make sure the Database fields tab is set as your default
Change | Make changes to the currently selected item. |
Inquire | Inquire the currently selected item to display more information. |
Delete | Delete the currently selected item. |
Add/OR | Used for operations that can be used to create the needed criteria. |
Not | Used for operations that can be used to create the needed criteria. |
(...) | Used for operations that can be used to create the needed criteria. |
Move Up | Moves the currently selected condition up on the list. |
Move Down | Moves the currently selected condition down on the list. |
Count | Shows the number of selected rows. |
Test | Allows the user to run a test on the SQL. |
Edit SQL | Allows the user to directly edit the SQL selected. |
Save As View... | Allows the user to save the SQL as a different title. |
Report | Creates a report of the selection criteria being used. |
Column Finder | Allows the user to build a SQL target based on the conditions in the columns below. |
Wrap up
You should now have a better understanding if premium sets in Advantage.
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