Understanding Notes
Summary / TL:DR: This article will help you understand the Notes screen in Advantage.
This is a review of the Customer Notes screen. This is where customer contact notes are viewed. This screen is accessed through the Customer Service ribbon icon Notes
- 1 Recommended Display
- 2 Searching Customer Notes
- 3 Note Actions
- 4 Notes Detail
- 4.1 Details
- 4.2 Note Letters
- 4.3 Note History
- 4.3.1 Note History
- 4.3.2 Note Events
- 4.4 Documents
- 5 Wrap up
Recommended Display
There are 2 ways to view customer account notes. The recommended view is Diary view. From the Customer Notes screen, select Diary under the search area and at the bottom left of the search results box, select Set as default tab. This will ensure the display is always Directory view when performing searches.
Searching Customer Notes
Depending on the number of contacts a customer makes, there may be many notes on an account. There are various search methods available to limit search results.
Additional filters are available from this screen. For more on filters, go here.
Search By | Advantage will automatically pull up notes for the customer selected.
Note Text | Searches by text within a note. Can be used to search by a keyword/item listed in the note text. |
Note Actions
Add Note | Used to add a new note to the customer account. |
Add Ticket | Not used. |
Change Note | Used to change an existing note. |
Delete Note | Used to delete an existing note. |
Inquire Note | Used to inquire on a note for more details. |
View Document | Used to view a document associated with a note. This is generally used for viewing a letter or e-mail that has been created and sent from Advantage by customer service. |
Overview | Displays the Customer Overview dialog box for more details on the customer's account. |
Notes Detail
When Inquire Note is selected, the Notes Detail dialog box will appear. The Ticket Details, Chronic Tickets and Extension Holds tabs are not used.
Customer | The customer number and name associated with the note. |
Note ID | Unique identifier of the note. |
Customer Type | Displays type of customer. |
The details tab is the default tab that displays when Inquire Note is selected.
System Name | Defines the module associated with the note. This fills in based on what screen the Notes icon was accessed from.
Reason Category | Groups together a category of contact reasons. Generally these are setup by affiliate or customer service group. |
Reason | Identifies the customer's reason for contacting. Reasons are attached to Reason Categories. |
Subject | Subject for the note. |
Communicated by | Identifies the method of contact by the customer.
Cross-Sell Path | Identifies either the phone number or product line/affiliate the call is associated with. |
Docket Number | Used to display incoming email/scanned mail. When available, displays |
Regarding Product | Identifies the item number associated with the contact. |
Action | Identifies the follow-up action associated with the contact. Actions are tied to reasons. This is generally used to associate a letter with a note. |
Done | Date action complete |
Send Response | When entering a note, used to generate a letter from the note directly. |
Follow Up Date/Time | Displays date and time for follow-up if a note was marked to follow-up. |
Follow Up User | User associated with the note. |
Done | Used to designate the date a note was completed. Used when managing contacts in the NAC. |
Inbound Email Address | Displays the inbound email address associated with a note generated from an email. |
Inbound Email Subject | Displays the inbound email subject associated with a note generated from an email. |
Note Text | Free form entry of notes detailing the contact. |
Note Letters
Note Letters displays letters generated from a note to a customer from Advantage.
These are the recommended customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.
Letter Code | Identifier of the letter. |
Letter Status Description | The description of the status of the letter.
Transmission Method Description | How the letter was sent to the customer.
Done Date | Used to designate the date a note was completed. |
Email Address Used | When letters are sent by email, displays the email address the letter was sent to. |
Outbound Email | Email address the letter was sent from. |
Email Subject | Subject line associated with the letter. |
Add Note Letter | Not used. |
Change Note Letter | Not used. |
Delete Note Letter | This button deletes the letter from the account. Not recommended. |
Inquire Note Letter | Not used. |
Review Note Letter | This button will open a view of the letter sent to the customer. |
Send Note Letter | When a letter is in 'Letter Ready to be Sent,' this button will send the letter. |
View Note Letter Document | Not used. |
Note History
Displays history of the note. Used for tracking note history associated with NAC.
These are the recommended customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.
Note History
Customer Number | Account number associated with the note. |
Update Time | Date of update. |
Note Action Code | Action code associated with note. |
Action Performed On | Date action was performed on. |
Reason | Follow-up Reason associated with note. |
Note Events
Creation Time | Date of creation. |
Note Activity Event | Event associated with the note. |
Agent Name | Agent associated with the event. |
Folder Name | Folder in NAC note was in for the event. |
Order Number | Order Number assoiciated with the event. |
Transfer Reason | Displays reason for transfer if the note has been transferred. |
This tab is a view of any documents associated with the note. Documents include letters sent to a customer from Advantage.
These are the suggested customized columns from this screen. There are more columns available.
Type | Type of document. |
Date Recorded | Date the letter was sent to the customer. |
Path/File Name | Unique identifier of the letter sent. |
Add Document Link | Not used. |
Delete Document Link | This button deletes the letter from the account. Not recommended. |
View Document | This button will open a view of the letter sent to the customer. |
Wrap up
You should now have an understanding of the Notes screen in Advantage.
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