Understanding the Customer A/R screen

Understanding the Customer A/R screen

Summary / TL:DR: This article will help you understand the invoices and payments screen in Advantage.

This is a review of the Customer A/R Screen.  This screen displays all monetary transactions associated with orders and modifications.  There is a condensed view of this screen from the Customer Activity screen that displays transactions as they relate to the selected term.  The Invoices & Payments is used generally for identifying transactions and for complicated transaction details.  For more on the Invoices & Payments from the Customer Activity screen, go here. This screen is accessed through the Invoices/Payments icon.

Recommended Display

These are the recommended customized columns for this screen.  There are more columns available.

Trans. Date

Date of the transaction.

Trans. Nbr

Order number of debit number of the transaction.

Applied to

The order number or debit number the transaction was applied to.


The system name the transaction is associated with.

  • CIR = Circulation or Subscription

  • PRO = Product

  • CEM = Conference

  • AMB = Agreement

  • ARP = Accounts Receivable/Payable

  • RFD = Refund

Billing Org. Office

The affiliate associated with the transaction.

Trans. Type

The type of transaction.

  • I = Invoiced

  • P = Paid

  • B = Billed

  • C = Credit

  • W = Writeoff

Installment Billing Code

Displays the Installment Billing Code Code used as a method of deferring a customer's payment of an invoice over a period of time.The invoice amount is divided among several bills, making it easier for the customer to pay--and presumably order.

Transaction Status Description

The status of the transaction.

Total Amt.

The amount debited/credited.

Remaining Amt.

The amount remaining that has not been paid/credited.

Source Reference

For subscriptions and AMB items, the publication code or item number associated with the transaction.


The currency the order was billed in.

Payment Code

The type of credit card used for the transaction.

Payment Nbr

The credit card number used for the transaction. This field is masked to only display the last 4 digits. If the payment is by check, the check number will display here.

Credit or Debit

Shows if the transaction was a debit or credit.


Displays if the transaction has been posted.

Debit Paid

Displays a Y if the debit is fully paid. N if not fully paid.

Debit Sequence Number

Displays the sequences associated with installment billing.

Due Date

The date the payment is due. This is primarily used for when payments are spread out with installment billing.

Payment Type

The type of payment used. CC = Credit Card. CK = Check.

Screen Size Orientation

The Invoices & Payments screen allows for uses to click and drag the screen as needed for display.

Searching in Invoices & Payments

Invoices & Payments is a Hide and Seek screen - meaning that once you perform a search, the screen will have a top and bottom display and if you click Search on the screen, the search options will display again.




Preferences and defaults can be set for the bottom half of the screen.  Click Preferences in the lower left corner of the screen and the Tab Options dialog box will appear.  You can deselect unnecessary tabs.  It is recommended to uncheck DD Transactions, Invoiced Issues and Page Numbers for US affiliates.  Click OK to save changes, note that the changes will not be made until you log out and back in to Advantage.  These tabs can be re-added at any time using the Preferences button.

It is also recommended to select CC Transactions as the default tab for display.  Navigate to the CC Transactions tab on the bottom half of the screen, note you must have a customer selected, and check the box to Set as default tab.  



Once preferences and defaults are set, it will always be defaulted at this screen until you change it.


Several tabs are used on the Customer A/R screen. These are detailed below:


Displays the details associated with the currently selected order.



These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.


The invoice number associated with the order.


Identifies the position of a single application record within a set of application records.

Credit Voucher

A unique identification number assigned to the credit by the system.

Credit Amount

Shows if there is a credit on the account.

Direct Debit

Displays the direct debit details associated with the currently selected order.



These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Control Group Date

The date the control group was created.

Order Control Group ID

The group ID associated with the order.

Credit Voucher

Shows whether a credit voucher is available on the order.

Direct Debit Rec Type

The type of Direct Debit record.

DD Trans Status

The status of the direct debit transaction.

Transaction Status Description

Full details of the direct debit transaction.

Direct Debit ID

The direct debit ID associated with the order.

CC Transactions

Displays a history of the credit card transactions associated with an order.



These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.

Payment Origins

Displays the payment origin information associated with a payment or refund transaction.



These are the recommended customized columns from this screen.  There are more columns available.


Order Number

Order number associated with the transaction.

Voucher Number

The debit number the transaction was applied to.

Card Transaction Type Description

Type of transaction.

  • Auth = Authorization

  • Purc = Purchase, this is the debit transaction or credit to refund transaction

Card Transaction Type Description

Description of the card transaction type.

  • Authorization = pre-authorization associated with the transaction. This is either done at the time the order is placed or when the order enters Advantage.

  • Debit Transaction = the debit transaction, or charge.

  • Credit to Refund = the refund transaction.

Status Icon

Displays icon for status of the transaction.

  • Success

  • Hard Decline

  • Waiting for Response or Waiting to Send (either new or after soft decline)

Transaction Status Description

Displays the description of the transaction status.

Credit Card Type Description

Credit card type used for transaction.

  • VI = Visa

  • MC = Mastercard

  • AX = American Express

  • DI = Discover

Credit Card Number

Displays last 4 digits of the credit card used for the transaction.

Control Group Date

Date of the control group from when the transaction was made.

Order Control Group ID

Identifies the control group the transaction was performed in.

Cr Card Account

Identifies the credit card processor used for the transaction. For domestic, this is Litle/Vantiv.

Descriptor 1

Shows the descriptor the customer should see on their statement. 

Descriptor 2

Shows the phone number the customer should see on their statement.

Identifying Transactions


Not all transactions will be grouped together. Based on column sorting and other transactions, it is possible that customers place more than one order in a day which would cause the lines to not directly match up.

Regular Transactions

Each regular transaction will generate two lines in Invoices & Payments - one for the invoice (debit to customer), the second for the payment (credit to us). To associate the transactions, the Trans. Nbr and Applied To will crisscross. The Auth in itself is an approval that money is available and will be held/reserved. The Purchase is the actual charge or settlement. The information about the status of the transaction will display on the credit line under Transaction Status Description:



Hard Decline Transactions

Hard Declines occur when a payment has been declined by the credit card company.  Declined Payment Transactions will initially display with three lines in Invoices & Payments - one for the invoice (debit to customer), the second for the debit and the third for the reversal.  When a payment has been hard declined, the subscription will be in Billing Suspend status with a payment status of Billed.

If the customer does not pay the invoice within 45-60 days, the invoice will be written off in a Non-Pay Cancellation generated by the system which will reflect as a fourth line in Invoices & Payments.  Note that the Applied to for all related lines will match up with the invoice Trans. Nbr.


Product orders with a credit card decline will not have an invoice at Invoices and Payments. Product orders will create a Proforma order, seen only at Customer Activity.

Soft Decline Transactions

Soft Declines occur when the credit card company sends a response back that is not considered a hard decline.  For example, if the credit card company sends back that the account has been closed with the bank, that would result in a hard decline.  If there are insufficient funds, it is possible that the credit card can go into soft decline so that we attempt to recharge the customer's card another day.  

In the case of a soft decline, the subscription with be in a Billing Suspended status with a payment status of Paid.  From Invoices & Payments, there will only be two lines like a regular transaction, however the Transaction Status Description will be Waiting for auth/bill response or Request Outbound.  

The Next Date to Request Auth/Bill displays the date the credit card will next be attempted to be charged.  The Number of Attempts So Far will display how many times the card has been attempted to be charged.  Generally we will attempt a card up to 3 times.  If the last attempt is not accepted, the transaction is then hard declined and the subscription will change status to billing suspended, there will be a third line added to display the reversal and the invoice will now be reopened to be paid.

Refund Transactions

Refund Transaction will also create two lines in Invoices & Payments.  One for the credit created, the second for the debit to the customer.  These transactions can be identified with the source RFD for the debit transaction.  The C Trans Type is the cancel or credit that was created and the and the D is the debit to the customer for the refund.

Status of the refund can be determined in the CC transactions tab at the bottom half of the screen.  For more on refund status, go here.

Wrap up

You should now have an understanding of the invoices and payments screen in Advantage.

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