Subscription (bi_subscriptions)
Subscription (bi_subscriptions)
Overview: This is an incremental batch feed of subscription events.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes
Data Source: Advantage
Delivery Method: SFTP upload to csv import work
Filename: Subscriptions_<Lytics_Group>_<Date>_<Time>.txt
LQL Advice: Most of these fields will need to be mapped to Publication_Code for context.
Field Name | Description | Source Field | Sample Value |
Publication_Name | A concatenation of a pub code and its description | CDSITM_M.ITM_NUM CDSITM_M.ITM_DSC1 | PUB - Cool Pub Name |
Publication_Type | A grouping of the publication | CDSITM_M.PROD_FAM | FRONTEND |
Customer_Number | Advantage identifier for this customer | CIRSUB_M.CTM_NBR | 000012345678 |
Subscription_Reference | Advantage identifier for this subscription record | CIRSUB_M.SUB_REF | 000012345678 |
Subscription_Term_Number | The number of times the pub has been purchased/renewed | CIRSUB_M.TRM_NBR | 1 |
Term_Length | A derived field that converts Subscription_Issues into a text value | <n/a> | Annual |
Subscription_Issues | The total number of issues to be fulfilled in the current term | CIRSUB_M.TERM | 52 |
Issues_To_Go | The number of issues left on the current term. Generally its better to use Final_Issues_To_Go | CIRSUB_M.ITG | 10 |
Amount | The monetary amount from the current term | CIRSUB_M.RATE | 50 |
Order_Date | The date that the current term was ordered | CIRSUB_M.CTG_DTE | 2021-01-01 |
Billing_Status | Concatenated billing status code and description | CIRSUB_M.BIL_STS | P - Paid Up |
Order_Number | Advantage identifier for the order record | CIRSUB_M.ORD_NBR | AA012345 |
Circulation_Status | Status code that indicates whether the subscription is active or otherwise. Concatenated with its description | CIRSUB_M.CRC_STS | R - Regular, Receiving Magazine |
Owning_Organization | The org code indicating who owns the publication | CDSITM_M.OWN_ORG | 100 |
Renewal_Flag | Indicator of whether and when the subscription will be renewed. Concatenated with the description. | CIRSUB_M.RN_FLG | C - Autocharge |
Affiliate | The owner of the publication | International Living | |
Promotion | Promo Code and description from the promo code on the subscription | CIRSUB_M.PMO_CDE | EABCS100 - New Promotion |
Campaign | Campaign Code and description that the promo code belongs to. | CPNPMO_M.CPN_CDE | EABCS1A - Cool Campaign |
Offer | Offer Code and description from the promo code on the subscription | CPNPMO_M.OFR_CDE | OFFERTEST - Offer example |
Acquisition_Method | Code and description indicating what channel the subscription was purchased through | CIRSUB_M.BIL_CUR | WI - Website Internal |
Cancel_Policy | Cancel Policy Code and description from the promo code on the subscription | CPT101 - CIR: full 60days; no refund after 60 | |
Creative | Creative Code and version from the promo code on the subscription | CPN_PMO.CTV_CDE | CTVCODE - 01 |
Delivery_Method | Delivery Method and description | CIRSUB_M.DLV_CDE | EM - Email |
Currency | Billing currency | USD | |
Last_Login_UTC | Last website login sourced from Advantage | 2020-12-31 | |
Member_Category | The member category that this subscription belongs to | MBRMBR_M.MBR_CAT | MB - Member Category |
Member_Organization | The member organization that this subscription belongs to | CIRSUB_M.MBR_ORG | M2 - Member Org |
Current_Term_Remaining_Liability | Remaining Liability on the current term. Generally preferred to use Total_Remaining_Liability. | CIRSUB_M.REM_LIAB | 10 |
Total_Remaining_Liability | Total Remaining Liability for this subscription, including any future terms. | CIRSUB_M.TOT_LIAB | 20 |
Final_Issues_To_Go | The total number of issues left to fulfill for this subscription, including any future terms | CIRSUB_M.FITG | 10 |
Final_Expiration_Date | The date that this subscription will expire, including any future terms | CIRSUB_FIN_EXP | 2021-12-31 |
Future_Terms_Flag | Derived Y/N indicator whether this subscription has any future terms | <n/a> | N |
Payment_Code | Indicates how the subscription was paid for | CIRSUB_M.PAY_CODE | MC - MasterCard |
Payment_Type | Indicates how the subscription was paid for | CIRSUB_M.PAY_TYPE | CC - Credit Card |
Subscription_Choice | The subscription choice groups together details about the subscription purchase (e.g. amount charged, length of subscription) | CIRDTL_M.SUB_CHC | 49ILVM - US$49 - YEARLY A/R |
Promotion_Choice | The promotion choice groups together details about the subscription purchase (e.g. amount charged, length of subscription) | CIRSUB_M.PMO_CHC | 89ILVS - ILV 2 Yr - Second Passport - $89 |
EmailAddress | Email address from the subscription | CDSEML_M.ADR_EMAL (using CIREML_M.EMAL_ID) | sample@example.com |
Operation | Code associated with CDC changes in Advantage. | U | |
Cancel_Reason | Cancel reason code and description that indicate the reason given for the customer's cancellation of the subscription | CIRSUB_M.CAN_REA | C-CM - Changed Mind |
Operation_Time | Timestamp of the event | 2020-11-21 20:00:00.0000000 -05:00 | |
Last_AR_Notice_Sent | Date of the most recent auto renew notice for this subscription | 2021-01-01 | |
Subscription_Type | Subscription type code | CIRSUB_M.SUB_TYP | LIFE |
Publication_Code | Publication Code. Similar to Publication_Name but without the description | CIRSUB_M.PUB_CDE | ILV |
First_Date | The date of the first issue sent for this subscription | CIRSUB_M.FRST_DTE | 2021-01-01 |
Email_Status | Status of this email address with this subscription | CIRSUB_M.EML_STA | A |
Is_Active_Pub | Indicator whether the pub code is currently being sold. Can be used to limit the events written to customer profiles in Lytics. | Y |
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