Models (bi_models)
Models (bi_models)
Overview: These are custom made models created by the D&A department in order to help target customers who are most like a target group (e.g. order refunders, backend purchasers, etc). The model population is scored daily and the scores are delivered to the Lytics SFTP in separate files for each model.
Frequency: Every 30 minutes
Data Source: Advantage
Delivery Method: SFTP to csv import work
Filename: Model_<Lytics Group>_<Date>_<ModelName>_<DateTime>.csv
LQL Advice: It's best to create a separate Lytics user field for each model so that old models can be decommissioned without leaving residual data on Lytics profiles.
Field Name | Description | Sample Value |
EmailAddress | Email of the person scored by the model | test@example.com |
ModelName | Short code used to identify the model | USFREF-MoneyMap |
Affiliate | Organization who the model was created for | Money Map |
ScoreDate | The date of the model score | 2020-01-01 |
ScoreValue | The model score | 5 |
ModelNameFriendly | Long name for the model | US Financial Refund Model for Money Map |
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