Customer Addresses (bi_address)
Customer Addresses (bi_address)
Overview: This is an incremental file of customer address information from CDSADR_M.
Frequency: Daily
Data Source: Advantage
Delivery Method: SFTP to csv import work
Filename: Address_<Lytics Group>_<Date>_<Time>.txt
LQL Advice: Most of these fields will need to be mapped to Item_Number for context.
Field Name | Description | Source Field | Sample Value |
Customer_Number | Advantage identifier of the customer | CDSADR_M.CTM_NBR | 000012345678 |
First_Name | First name of the customer | CDSADR_M.ATN_1ST | JANE |
Middle_Initial | Middile Initial of the customer | CDSADR_M.ATN_MID | A |
Last_Name | Last name of the customer | CDSADR_M.ATN_END | DOE |
Street_Addr_Line_1 | First address line | CDSADR_M.STR_1ST | 123 MAIN ST |
Street_Addr_Line_2 | Second address line | CDSADR_M.STR_2ND | APT A |
Street_Addr_Line_3 | Third address line | CDSADR_M.STR_3RD | SUITE 100 |
City | City on the customer address | CDSADR_M.CTM_CTY | Baltimore |
State | State on the customer address | CDSADR_M.CTM_STE | MD |
Country_Code | 3 character code representing the country | CDSADR_M.CUN_TYP | USA |
Postal_Code | Postal/Zip code | CDSADR_M.ZIP_CDE | 21230 |
Phone_Number_1 | First phone record | CDSADR_M.PHO_NBR | 555-555-1111 |
Phone_Number_2 | Second phone record | CDSADR_M.PHO_NBR2 | 555-555-1111 |
Phone_Number_3 | Third phone record | CDSADR_M.PHO_NBR3 | 555-555-1111 |
Promoted_By_Mail | Flag indicating whether the customer can be promoted to by mail | CDSADR_M.PMO_ADR | Y |
Promoted_By_Phone | Flag indicating whether the customer can be promoted to by phone | CDSADR_M.PMO_PHN | N |
Promoted_By_Fax | Flag indicating whether the customer can be promoted to by fax | CDSADR_M.PMO_FAX | Y |
Promoted_By_SMS | Flag indicating whether the customer can be promoted to by SMS | CDSADR_M.PMO_SMS | N |
Email_Address | Email of the customer | CDSEML_M.ADR_EML | test@example.com |
Operation | CDC Operation code associated with the event | U | |
Company_Name | Business name on the address record | CDSADR_M.CMP_NME | 14 WEST |
Is_Address_Valid | Address valid flag | CDSADR_M.ADR_VLD | Y |
Country_Name | Full name of the country on the address | CDSCOU_T.CUN_NME | United States |
Promo_Flag | Flag on the customer record indicating whether they can be promoted to | CDSCTM_M.PROMO | Y |
Sex_Code | Code indicating the customer's gender | CDSCTM_M.SEX_CDE | F |
DMA_Pander | Flag field used to limit who can be marketed to | YES | |
Namebank_OK | Flag to identify customers who can be used by Namebank | N | |
Record_Status | Flag indicating whether the customer record is active | CDSCTM_M.REC_STA | A |
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