Lists (bi_signups)
Lists (bi_signups)
Overview: These are incremental list signup events sourced from the LSTEML_M table
Frequency: Daily
Data Source: Advantage
Delivery Method: SFTP to csv import work
Filename: EmailStatus_<LyticsGroup>_<Date>_<Time>.csv
LQL Advice: Most of these fields will need to be mapped to List_Code for context.
Field Name | Description | Source Field | Sample Value |
List_Code | A short code that represents the list the customer was put on | LSTEML_M.LIST_CDE | ILPOSTCA |
List_Description | Longer description for the List_Code | LSTEML_M.LIST_DSC | The Coolest List We Have |
Email_ID | Advantage identifier for an email address | LSTEML_M.EMAL_ID | 000012345678 |
Customer_Number | Advantage identifier for this customer | LSTEML_M.CTM_NBR | 000012345678 |
Email_Status | Status of this email address on this list | LSTEML_M.EML_STA | I - Inactive |
List_Source | Source code that can be used to track how the customer was added to the list | LSTEML_M.LST_SRC | XABCS100 |
Update_Date | The most recent date that this list record was updated | LSTEML_M.UPD_DTE | 2021-01-31 14:30:13.503 |
Update_User | The Advantage user or process that last updated this list record | LSTEML_M.UPD_USR | MW2 |
Demographic_Data | An open field that can be partitioned in Advantage for custom needs | LSTEML_M.DMO_DAT | 57 |
Confirmation_Date | The date that the registration or order was confirmed | LSTEML_M.CNFM_DTE | 2021-01-01 |
Double_OptIn_Flg | A flag that indicates whether the customer confirmed their interest in signing up to the list | LSTEML_M.DBL_OPT | Y |
Email_Ref_Num | Email reference number for external mailing systems | LSTEML_M.EML_REF | 8241886506612197491 |
Email_Address | Email address used with the list | CDSEML_M.ADR_EML | test@example.com |
Owning_Organization | The org code indicating who owns the publication | LSTLTT_T.OWN_ORG | 120 |
Affiliate | The owner of the publication | <n/a> | International Living |
Operation | Timestamp of the event | <n/a> | 2021-01-01 06:29:21.363000000 |
Add_Date | Date that the customer was added to the list | LSTEML_M.DTE_ADD | 2017-11-23 08:10:02.548 |
Campaign_Code | Campaign Code and description from the source code belongs to | CPNPMO_M.CPN_CDE | XABC11A |
Is_List_Active | Indicator whether the list code is currently being used. Can be used to limit the events written to customer profiles in Lytics. | <n/a> | Y |
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