Subscription Email Events (spine_subscription_emails)
Subscription Email Events (spine_subscription_emails)
Overview: This is a feed of events generated from the Advantage CIREML_M table. This is needed to join events from spine_subscriptions to an email address.
Frequency: Streaming
Data Source: Advantage
LQL Advice:
Sample Payload: /wiki/spaces/SPINE/pages/40269911842 (SubscriptionEmailLink)
Field Name | Description | Source Field |
Cdc_Creation_Timestamp | Timestamp of the CIREML_M event | Cdc_Creation_Timestamp |
Email_Address | Email address of the customer | Contextual.EmailAddress = ADR_EML |
Subscription_Reference | Advantage identifier of the subscription record | SUB_REF |
PUB_CDE | The publication that the customer owns | PUB_CDE |
EMAL_ID | Advantage identifier of the email address | EMAL_ID |
EML_STA | The status of the email address on this subscription | EML_STA |
CTM_NBR | Advantage identifier of the customer | CTM_NBR |
Event_Type | I = Insert, U = Update, D = Delete | U |
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