Orders (bi_orders)
Orders (bi_orders)
Overview: This is a stream of all order, refund, and chargebacks received. These transactions indicate cases where money is exchanged and would not include comped orders, test orders, credit card declines, or orders paid with account credits.
Frequency: Daily
Data Source: Circbase
Delivery Method: SFTP upload to csv import work
Filename: Orders_<Lytics Group>_Date_Time.txt
LQL Advice: Most of these fields will need to be mapped to Item for context.
Field Name | Description | Source Field | Sample Value |
Transaction_Date | The date of the transaction | Tran_Deposit_Date | 2020-12-11 00:00:00 -05:00 |
Item | Item code that was purchased/refunded, concatenated with its description | Tran_Pub_Code | INA - The Savvy Retiree |
Currency | Currency that was used in the transaction | Tran_Currency_Code | USD |
Amount | Amount of the transaction | Tran_Amount | 42.11 |
Tax_Amount | Tax amount of the transaction | Tran_PS_Tax | 7.95 |
Freight_Amount | Freight/shipping amount of the transaction | Tran_PS_Freight | 7.95 |
Order_Number | Advantage identifier of the order | Tran_Dbt_no | TX112296 |
Promotion | Promo Code from Advantage associated with the order | Tran_Source_code | EILVV968 - 5 Free Issues Front End - ILPG |
Customer_Number | Advantage identifier of the customer | MSTORD_M.CTM_NBR | 000012345678 |
Subscription_Reference | Advantage identifier of the subscription record | CIREVT_M.SUB_REF | 000012345678 |
Subscription_Term_Number | The term number of the subscription that was purchased for this customer | CIREVT_M.TRM_NBR | 2 |
Acquisition_Method | Code and description indicating what marketing channel the order was acquired through | WI - Website Internal | |
Channel | First letter of the promo code, plus description, which indicates which channel the promotion was marketed | W - Your Website | |
Campaign | The campaign that the promo code was associated with | EILVX1D - 295999-2021 - Retirement Index | |
Internal_List_Code | The internal list code where the promo was marketed (if applicable) | ILPOSTCA | |
External_List_Code | The external list code where the promo was marketed (if applicable) | ||
Affiliate | The group who owns the item sold | International Living | |
Transaction_Type | The type of transaction | Derived field | Payment |
Owning_Organization | The org code indicating who owns the publication | CDSITM_M.OWN_ORG | 120 |
ChoiceCode | The choice groups together details about the subscription purchase (e.g. amount charged, length of subscription) | Tran_Choice | 49NON |
Email_Address | Email of the customer associated with the order | Derived field (orders aren't associated with an email in Circbase natively) | example@sample.com |
Item_Code | Item code that was purchased/refunded (without the concatenated description) | Tran_Pub_Code | INA |
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