Agreements (bi_agreements)

Agreements (bi_agreements)

Overview: This is a daily full file of all agreement (AMB) items on file.

Frequency: Daily
Data Source: Advantage
Delivery Method: SFTP to csv import work
Filename: Agreements_<LyticsGroup>_<Date>_<Time>.csv
LQL Advice: Most of these fields will need to be mapped to Item_Number for context.
Field NameDescriptionSource FieldSample Value
Agreement_IDAdvantage identifier for this agreement recordAMBVER_M.AGR_ID000012345678
Agreement_TermThe number of times the item has been purchased/renewedAMBVER_M.AGR_TRM1
Agreement_VersionEach change in the current agreement term creates a new versionAMBVER_M.AGR_VER2
Customer_NumberAdvantage identifier for this customerAMBVER_M.BIL_CTM000012345678
Email_AddressEmail address from the agreementCDSEML_M.ADR_EML (through AMBEML_M)test@example.com
Item_NumberThe agreement item purchasedAMBAPT_M.SRV_TYPAGR012
Agreement_StatusIndicates whether the agreement is active or otherwiseAMBSTS_N.AGR_STS

Non-pay Cancelled
Billing Suspended
Not Released
Extension Days

Final_Expiration_DateThe date that this agreement will expire, including any future termsAMBSTS_N.AFIN_EXP2020-12-31
Term_Expiration_DateThe date that the current term will expireAMBSTS_N.AEXP_DTE2020-12-31
AmountThe monetary amount from the current termAMBAPT_M.UNIT_PRC500.00
Promotion_CodePromo Code from the current term of the agreementAMBVER_M.PMO_CDEEABCS100
Agreement_DaysThe total number of days this agreement will be activeAMBVER_M.AGR_DAY365
Renewal_FlagIndicator of whether and when the subscription will be renewedAMBVER_M.AGR_RENC
Order_DateThe date that the current term was orderedMSTORD_M.ORDR_DTE2020-12-31
AffiliateThe owner of the agreement item
Agora Financial
Operation_TimeTimestamp that the file was generated
2021-01-01 06:29:21.363000000
Email_StatusStatus of this email address with this agreementAMBEML_M.EML_STAA

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