ADV FAQs Additional Premium Item

ADV FAQs Additional Premium Item

Summary / TL:DR: This article will review the instructions for adding additional premium items in Advantage as well as providing additional behaviour information.

How To Add Additional Premium Items 

You can add AMB and MBR items as part of a premium set.  To do that, enter the AMB or MBR inventory item as well as a choice (the choice is required).  Premiums are free.  

  1. Navigate to Premium Sets in the Marketing ribbon

  2. Locate the Premium Set Definition to be updated and click the Edit Icon

  3. The Premium Set Definition Maintenance box will appear

  4. Click  the Add Icon

  5. The Premium Set Dialog Maintenance box will appear, complete the following fields: 

Earned At

Enter PAYMENT. The customer must pay for an item in order to qualify for this premium set.

Response Sequence

Start with a sequence of 10 and increase by 10 for each sequence.

Select Only Once

Enter N

Paid Up %

The percentage the customer must may in order to qualify for the premium set. Enter 80-95%.


D (Currency) or T (Term) this will indicate that the customer either must pay a defined amount or be a subscriber for a defined time period to qualify for the premium set.


Defaults to 0


Defaults to 99999999

Fulfill once per recipient?

This prevent the customer from receiving multiple premium sets within the same batch. This will not prevent multiple premium sets for all orders.

Fulfill at

Defaults to S. Allows the premium set and item the customer purchases to be shipped separately.


The item number for the free gift the customer will receive.

Submit a ticket if you require a new item to be created.


Enter the choice you wish to use for the premium item.


Set this to S for Ship-to or Participant

  1. If a publication has both subscription and membership choices a dialog pops up asking which list to validate against

  2. Make a selection 

  3. During the premium setup if there is a price code on the premium choice it is ignored. A dialog pops up to indicate any fields that are on the choice that will not be used on the premium fulfillment order

  4. Click OK

Additional information below on other behaviour with this feature.


For AMB items your options for 'Send to' on the premium set line are (from the original order):  bill-to customer, ship-to/ordered by customer, referring customer.  The 'Send to' customer you indicate on the premium set line is used as the participant on the agreement.  The AMB choice specified the characteristics of the agreement, including length of service. Choice is required for AMB and MBR items.  

The agreement created when a customer qualifies for the premium could be a new (initial) AMB agreement or a renewal.  Renewals will happen if the customer already is an active or expired agreement and the bill to/ship to participant information matches.  If multiple matching agreements are found then the agreement with the earliest expiration date is chosen for renewal.

Automatic Cancel (AMB)

If the order is for a subscription or an AMB agreement is cancelled, the premium item associated with the original order is also cancelled.  For example, if a customer receives AMB item B when they purchase AMB item A and they cancel item A, item B is automatically cancelled by the system.


For MBR items your options for 'Send to' on the premium set line are (from the originating order): bill-to customer, ship-to/order by customer, referring customer.  The 'Send to' customer you indicate on the premium set line is used as the ship-to on the membership.

The MBR choice specifies the characteristics of the membership subscription, including length of term. Choice is required for AMB and MBR items.  

When a customer qualifies for the premium, the membership could be new or a renewal.  Renewals will happen if the bill to/ship to customer information is the same on the account as it is on the order.

Automatic Cancel (CIR)

If the order is for a subscription or an AMB agreement is cancelled, the premium item associated with the original order is also cancelled.  For example, if a customer receives membership item B when they purchase item A and they cancel item A, item B is automatically cancelled by the system.

Wrap up

You should now be able to add additional premium items in Advantage.

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