Add a Premium Set

Add a Premium Set

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to create a new Premium Set in Advantage.

Premium Sets are free gifts that we use to entice the customer to make a purchase. Premium Sets are based on sequences so you can create different levels that the customer can receive based on different characteristics. For instance, customers who attempt to purchase regardless of payment will be add to the free e-letter, who pay between $1-$50 will receive the second sequence. Customers who pay between $50-$500 will receive the third sequence. 

How To Add a Premium Set 

  1. Navigate to Premium Sets in the Marketing ribbon

  2. Click the Add Icon

  3. The Premium Set Definition Maintenance box will appear. Complete the following fields:

Premium Set

Give the Premium Set a name. This can be up to 6 characters.

Suggested naming convention: Include pub code or owning org for easier searching for the Premium Set.

Premium Set Description

Add a description of the what is included in the premium set.

Expiration Date

Set an Expiration Date for your premiums, which you must use with the Then Use field.

Then Use

Enter the premium set you wish to use after your current premium expires. Used with the Expiration Date field.

4. Click Next

  1. Click the Add Icon
    Complete the following fields on the Premium Set Detail Maintenance screen.

Earned At

For a e-letter sign up, use Response

Response Sequence

Start with sequence 10, for future sequences increase by 10.

Select Only Once

Enter N.

Term/Amt/Line #

Select D.

2. Click Next

3. Click Add
Complete the following fields on the Premium Set List Maintenance screen.

List Code

Enter the list that the customer will be signed up for.

Add Bill to Customer

Defaulted. Adds the customer who paid for the item being sold to the list code you selected.

Add Ship to Customer

Defaulted. Adds the customer who receives the item being sold to the list code you selected.

5. This will return to you to the Premium Set Definition Maintenance Screen. From here you can add additional sequences.

6. Follow these steps if you are adding a second sequence. This sequence will require payment.

  1. From the Premium Set Definition Maintenance screen, click the Add Icon
    Complete the following fields on the Premium Set Detail Maintenance Screen:

Earned At

Enter PAYMENT. The customer must pay for an item in order to qualify for this premium set.

Response Sequence

Start with a sequence of 10 and increase by 10 for each sequence.

Select Only Once

Enter N.

Paid Up %

Enter the percentage the customer must may in order to qualify for the premium set. Enter 80-95%.


Enter either:
D (Currency) this will indicate that the customer either must pay a defined amount
T (Term) this will indicate a subscriber for a defined time period to qualify for the premium set.


Defaults to 0


Defaults to 99999999

Fulfil once per recipient?

Make sure this box is checked.

Fulfil at

Defaults to S. Allows the premium set and item the customer purchases to be shipped separately.


The item number for the free gift the customer will receive.

Contact the fulfillment team if you need a new premium item created.


Select if the customer who purchases the item or the customer who receives the item will receive the premium set. Typically, the ship-to customer receives the premium set.


Select how the customer will be shipped the premium set.

Life Max

For physically fulfilled premium enter 1. This will prevent customer from receiving multiple premium sets.

Delay Days

Set a certain amount of days to delay before releasing an item or adding a customer to a list.

2. Click Next

3. Click OK

7. Continue adding sequences for additional premium sets as necessary.

8. Click OK 

Wrap up

You should now know how to create a new Premium Set in Advantage.

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