Free List

Free List

Summary / TL:DR: Instructions for how to setup a Free List in both IRIS and SUA2; without a Lead Gen Item

Referencing  PUBST-155357

What you need:

  • List Code

  • List Description

  • Owning Org

  • From Name & From Address

Creating List

  1. Check if the List Code is in Advantage already (use LSTLTT view in Adv for Free lists)

  2. Click Add 

    1. Enter List Code

    2. Enter Description (use the list code unless otherwise specified by affiliate)

    3. List Category : Enter the specified List Category. If the list is being added to SUA2, enter the Owning Org, add the list to SUA2, then update the List Category to what the affiliate has specified in Advantage.

    4. List Type: Email (always)

    5. Select Active, Web Enabled, Count Email (always)

    6. "Requires Customer Opt-in" is No

    7. List Narrative: Enter ticket number

    8. Fill out the Owning Org (3 digits) again - same as list category field

    9. Always enter "Y" in demographics

      1. You should see something like this:

If you don't see the list in SUA2, be sure the Owning Org and List Category fields in Advantage match what you intend it to be from the ticket.

Adding List to IRIS

  1. Open IRIS instance of affiliate list belongs to

    1. Application Shortcuts

       has all of the links

  2. Select Manage → Vendors, hit Create

  3. Select Free

  4. Use Opens Pixel: Leave alone

  5. Use List name but double check affiliate format

  6. Enter ADV List Code

  7. Create Schedule is always no

  8. Agora ID: Always choose the lowest number listed

  9. MC List ID: Leave blank

  10. Default Host: Leave alone

  11. Active: always yes

Use these instructions here for setting up a Lead Gen item in IRIS: https://14west.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GTOS/pages/42355425216

Adding to SUA2

  1. Go to Email Lists

  2. Find ADV owning org that list was created under

  3. Once located, click Add, select list

  4. Select Binding (Put NONE if the list is NOT using the Welcome Email feature)

  5. Input From Name and From Address

  6. Leave user roles alone, affiliates have admin access to grant list-specific access

Remind clients to update all shared assets that reference list codes for unsubscribe links or dynamic content.

Wrap up

Remember to remind clients to update their shared assets, you should now know how to setup a Free List.

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