AMB New Item Setup and Validation

AMB New Item Setup and Validation

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to validate an AMB Item Setup, and the SQL you will need to run.

To validate the AMB Item Setup, you will place an order for the amb item you set up, and then run the below SQL and take a screenshot of the result to put into your ticket. 


select VER.SRV_ID, VER.SRV_PRD, VER.AGR_DAY, dtl.itm_num, sts.agr_sts, cvi.auth_grp, cvi.auth_typ from AMBVER_M VER JOIN AMBSTS_N STS on sts.AGR_ID = ver.AGR_ID AND sts.AGR_TRM = ver.AGR_TRM Join mstdtl_m dtl on dtl.ord_num = ver.ord_nbr join ambpar_m par on par.agr_id = ver.agr_id and par.agr_trm = ver.agr_trm join cdsitm_m itm on itm.itm_num = dtl.itm_num join cdscvi_m cvi on cvi.ctm_nbr = par.ctm_nbr and cvi.auth_grp = itm.auth_grp where VER.AGR_ID = 'AGREEMENT ID HERE, add leading 0s to get to 12 characters'

Example screen shot:

Wrap up

You should now know how to validate an AMB Item Setup, and the SQL you will need to run.

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