New Hire Ticket Guide

New Hire Ticket Guide

Summary / TL:DR: These are some of the most common tickets that enter the Unassigned Queue, they require cooperation between IT and Global Support to complete.


New Hire forms will typically come in the format AD username, work email Ex: “jsmith jsmith@moneymappress.com

The most important part of these tickets is in the tab called “New Hire”. In this tab you will find the relevant software that the user needs access to.

Near the bottom of this tab is the list of required software. Let’s start with Advantage.

Table of contents

Section 1: Advantage

In order to add a new user to Advantage you must have access to the Advantage Launchpad via the VMware Horizon client or webapp. 

  1. Go to the ‘CDSUSR’ view in Advantage. 

2. In New Hire tickets, you will find a field in the new hire form called “Advantage Access: Permissions to Copy:”. This is an existing Advantage user whose profile we can mirror to create the new hires access. Search for this user in Advantage.

3. Click on the Copy Advantage User icon, and input the Usercode and System Login ID. The usercode has to be unique, and it is best practice to keep it as close to the System Login ID as possible. The usercode can only be up to 6 characters, generally this is the first initial and first 5 of the user's last name. The System Login ID would be the new hires Active Directory user ID. The cloned IT ticket can be checked for verification if it’s not on the New Hire ticket.

4. Add the users full name and email address, everything else should autofill. Click OK.

5. Once the new hires profile has been created, go to the ‘ARPUSR’ view in Advantage.

Search for the Usercode of the user you are using to copy from. Select copy and input the new users User Login ID.

6. Deselect Display in value list

7. Repeat steps 1-5 for the Learning and Development instance of Advantage. For all other instances of Advantage follow the same procedure.

Section 2: Iris

Access to Iris is configured separately from the Active Directory, in order to login you must first be given access by someone with admin privileges.

  1. Sign into the 14West Gateway and choose the instance the new hire belongs to or the testing instance and click on IRIS


2. Move the cursor over Administration in the top right-hand corner and select Users from the drop-down


3. Click on Create in the top left-hand corner

4. Fill out the username, email, first name, and last name fields.

5. Click Next to add them to an Org

6. Click on the gear icon on the right-hand corner and mark off the instance they will need access to for IRIS.


7. From the drop-down on the left, choose User and Save.

Section 3: OPIUM

  1. Using the VMware Horizon Client or webapp sign into OPIUM

  2. Either access the Admin instance, or choose the specified client from the drop-down

3. Click on Admin at the top right-hand corner

4. Select Add a New User… from the bottom left

5. Fill out the required fields in the user details as shown below:

a. In the event that the username is taken or this user needs access to multiple instances of OPIUM it is best practice to create another account with a new name to indicate the instance. For example: “jsmith” becomes “jsmith_ovh” for Omni Vista Health.

b. Alternatively, if there are two users with the same name in the same instance use a number on the end of the username Ex. “jsmith1”.

6. User Type should always be Regular User unless otherwise stated in the ticket.

7. Make sure to check off the Is Active option otherwise the new user will be unable to sign-in

Section 4: SignupApp 2

To login to SignUpApp2 you need to use your current AD login and password.

  1. When logged into SignupApp, click on Users

  2. To create the new user, click the plus symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen

3. Type in the username for the new user, then move over to the Affiliates tab and give them access to the affiliate instance.

4. Superadmins can give users access to the lists they need and can update their permissions when needed

5. Unless specified, the default is Read access

6. Click on Create

Section 5: Infobase / QlikView

Infobase can be accessed from the Agora Intranet at https://share.agora-inc.com/intranet/SitePages/Home.aspx and using your AD username and login.

  1. After signing into Infobase, ensure you are on the User Maintenance screen

2. Click + Add New from the left-hand side

3. Fill out the required fields. The User ID will be the same as the users Active Directory User ID. It should auto-fill their Full Name once the User ID is filled in.

4. Input the user’s email address

5. Choose “API” from the Default Company

6. If the user needs QlikView access, check off User QV?

7. Click on Add from the bottom of the window

Section 6: Portfolio Tracker

Note: As of 9/24/2021 no member of Money Map Press should be given access to this service.

In order to add a new user to Portfolio Tracker you must first be given access by someone with admin privileges.

  1. Navigate to https://publishers.tradesmith.com/Admin/Users.

2. In the top left click the Add User button.

3. Fill out these fields as follows:



User Type



User Type

User’s AD Login

Email on ticket


4. Click Create

5. The user should now receive an automatically generated password to their email address allowing them to login.

Section 7: Qliksense Portfolio Tracker

In order to add a user to Qliksense Portfolio Tracker they must be first added to the related AD group. Reach out to an IT point of contact to have them added, Marcus Evans (mevans@14west.us) can add them.

  1. Open File Explorer in VMware Horizon and navigate to this path (\\qlikvw-p2\J\Qlikview\QDF\98.NonQDF\PortfolioTracker\)

  2. Open the file called AppConfig

3. The required fields should be as follows:

Column A

Column B

Column C

Column D

Column E

Column H

Column A

Column B

Column C

Column D

Column E

Column H


AGORA\”AD username”

Affiliate name



New user’s email

4. Save and close the document.

Section 8: Blueshift

Currently, there are license caps on each client’s Blueshift instance. Client admins have the ability to give access within their org. It is best practice to search within an affiliate, see who has the ability to allow access, and give the reporter this person’s information. If an internal employee needs access follow the steps below:

Before adding brand new users ensure they have been added to the Blueshift AD group by IT, otherwise they will have issues accessing Blueshift

  1. Login to Blueshift via OneLogin and navigate to the account settings section in the top right hamburger menu.

2. To add a new user navigate to the account settings section and then select the user management tab.

3. Fill out the First Name, Last Name, and Email fields based on the ticket.

4. There are a few options for new users as explained below, permissions should be given based on the ticket:

a.     Senior Author: Can add new users and has the ability to edit campaigns, segments, etc.

b.     Senior Operations: Only has the ability to edit campaigns, segments, etc.

c.     View Only: Can only view campaigns, segments, etc.

5. The user should get an email with an invitation to the particular instance of Blueshift.

a.     Note: When granting access to multiple instances for a single user be sure they accept the invites as they come in, otherwise the invite will appear as pending and they will not get access until all invites are accepted.

Section 9: Qliksense

In general, if a user needs access to QlikSense the request should be routed to the ITECHSM project. Users need to be added to specific AD groups in order to gain Qlik access.


Once the new hire has been given access to all of the requested software respond to the reporter letting them know it has been completed. It is also considered best practice to respond with some information on how to use the software. Below is a canned response you can use:

[NEW USER] has been given access to [LIST OF APPS]! They will be given access to Evolve by next Wednesday. Once they have access they will be free to sign up for the below beginner courses.
Advantage :
Advantage Customer Service: Orientation
Advantage Customer Service: Account Maintenance
Advantage Customer Service: Invoices & Payments
Advantage Customer Service: Call Tracking
Advantage Customer Service: eLetter Maintenance
Advantage Customer Service: Order Entry
Basic IRIS Orientation
IRIS - What Is? Series
For information on how to navigate Evolve and signup for courses, they can use this page [here|https://wiki.14west.us/display/SCC/How+To+Navigate+Evolve+and+Enroll+in+Courses] for reference.
If you have any questions or if I can help with anything else please let me know!


The link in the response will take you to the Confluence space for how to enroll in courses in Evolve. Once the reporter has confirmed there is nothing else to add feel free to close the ticket out.

Wrap up

You should now have an understanding of how to add new users to most of 14 West’s software. If you need additional instructions for how to set up other software or for many other issues feel free to consult the Global Support wiki space: Global Support

Still need help?

We know this can be frustrating. To get further help please open a Support ticket.

Click here to open a ticket


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