Manual Issue Pulls

Manual Issue Pulls

Summary / TL:DR: For monthly publications that are mailed to customers, affiliates will request issue pulls to be manually run monthly.  Use these instructions to setup a manual issue pull. 

Issue pulls for International Living (ILV) are handled differently, go here for instructions for ILV Issue Pulls.

Basic Issue Pull Process Information (WIP)

There are a few important things to understand about the processes surrounding an issue pull. The issue pull jobstream contains processes that decrement issues-to-go for active subscribers to the publication (CIRSMQ, CIR4MQ), then produce a report that define the billing splits, then produces a mail file. 

The Issue Pull Jobstream 

CIRSMQ - cycle end setup
CIR4MQ - cycle end start 
CIR440 - billing code assignment, creates the summary reports (CIR441 and CIR441a).
CIRCCC (report) - mail file creation

There are a few 

Related Processes 

CIR420 Initializes the select and places it in a table\buffer (will need to look for that table).
CIR430 reassigned the customers to the updated select.

Do NOT Run Cycle End / Issue Pull Jobstream Twice (See Step 4)

If you run the jobstream and the client says the CIR441 report is incorrect, do not run the issue pull jobstream again. The cycle end processes will decrement the customer issues to go. 

Instead, adjust the Select, and then run the CIR420, CIR430, and CIR440 processes again. Send the CIR440 report to the client, and then run the CIRCCC report once you get an approval. Details are in Step 4. 

How to Manually Pull an Issue

What you Need

When requesting an issue pull, here is what is necessary to have:

  1. Date of the issue pull.

  2. Description of Changes (if any) to the issue pull select.

  3. FTP site for the mail file to be sent to.

Step 1 - Edit or Import the Select Set (WIP)

  1. The requester will indicate if the select levels of the select set needs to be updated. Most commonly you will need to import these changes from the Training instance of Advantage. Click on the Select Set section of the Processes ribbon.

2. Login with your credentials and search for (PUB CODE)+A001 (ex: GRRA001)

3. Select the pub and click the dots in the top right of the window and choose “Export Select Set”. Save this file in a location on your local machine, by default it will save to the downloads folder of the remote machine.

4. Open the production instance of Advantage and navigate to the Select Sets screen using the same process.

5. Select the pub (PUB CODE+A001) and this time choose “Import Select Set” and select the XML file downloaded from the Training instance and upload it here.

6. You should now be able to schedule the jobstream and proceed as normal.


Step 2 - Request the Issue Pull

  1. Check to Confirm that the Jobstream has not been run too recently, and is not scheduled. 

    1. Navigate to the Process History View and search for the Jobstream (CE+Pubcode or CE_+Pubcode). If you're doing a manual issue pull for a monthly pub, make sure the last Jobstream run was in the previous month.

    2. Navigate to the Current Processes View and search for the Jobstream in the Waiting Requests. Confirm it is not scheduled to run. 

  2. From the Tier 1 ribbon navigate to the Setups tab by clicking Setup

  3. Navigate to the Jobstreams screen by clicking Jobstreams

  4. Search for and select the issue pull jobstream, this is generally CE_ + pub code

  5. Click Request

  6. The Request JobStream dialog box will appear, complete the following fields:

Defer Date and Time

Enter the requested date from the affiliate. Select an early time between 3am and 4am EST For international enter 7am UK or 2am EST so that it does not conflict with domestic titles. 

For Scheduled Issue Pulls: Please note that you may only schedule processes based on any full week. Therefore, opting to run "Fridays on Week 1" will schedule a process on the "first Friday of the first full week." This means that if the first week of the month contains any date from the previous month, it will not run since that week is not the first full week of the month.

Ex. The jobstream is scheduled to run on the first Friday of the month. If Monday of the first week is the 31st (Friday being the 4th of the new month), the jobstream will run on the following Friday (the 11th) since that is the first full week of the new month.

7. Click “Submit”

Step 3 - Verify the Requested Jobstream

This step is to double check the request was placed correctly and the Jobstream will run.

  1. Navigate to the Current Processes screen by clicking Processes

  2. In the Waiting Processes search box, search for the issue pull job stream, this is generally CE + pub code

  3. Verify the Defer Date and Time (you may need to customize your screen to add this field)

Step 4 - Attach Report with Counts

Once the process runs to pull the issue, the CIR441 report needs to be attached to the support ticket for the affiliate.  This report is produced once the CIR440 process has ran in step 1.

  1. Go to the Operations folder on the network (\\maui\AdvProd\PubProd\reports\operations)

  2. Locate and open the correct folder.  Folders are organized by year and month, for example 07/17 would be the 1707 folder.

  3. Locate and open the folder for the day the process ran

  4. Search for the CIR441 report.  The report can be found by searching by CIR441_ = pub code (for example CIR441_LD1)

  5. Drag and drop the file into the attachments section of the support ticket and add a public comment to the ticket for the affiliate letting them know the counts are attached to the ticket.


Do NOT Re-Submit the Issue Pull Jobstream. The Cycle End processes will decrement the customers' remaining issues-to-go twice in the same time period. 

  1. First, confirm with the client/affiliate what changes need to be made to the Select Set to correct it. 

  2. Next, run the CIR420 Process. 

    1. Populate the Select Set w/ the Cycel End Select for that issue (Pub Code + A + 001)

    2. Populate the Publication Code with the correct pub code.

    3. Leave the Issue Date defaulted to the Last Issue

3. Next, run the CIR430 Process. (one of these updates the CIRLBL_R

adjust the Select, and then run the CIR420, CIR430, and CIR440 processes again. Send the CIR440 report to the client, and then run the CIRCCC report once you get an approval

CIR440 reads through the CIRLBL-R label file and assigns a binding code for each unique combination of edition selects for which a subscriber qualified. The binding code is actually a number that is assigned sequentially.

The CIR410, or CIR4MQ, creates an assignment for each customer, and then decrements the issues. 


Step 5 - Place Mail File on FTP site or Upload to External Site

Once the process runs to pull the issue, after supplying the affiliate with the counts, you will put the file for the mail vendor on a secure FTP site.

These folders will be used for their respective businesses:

  • FSP_CCC for all the London Business output files

  • PAF_CCC for Agora Publications France output

  • SF1_CCC for all the SNI Group output files

  • SP1_CCC for Global Publishers output files

There is also an SSIS package which Jose Manuel created that will automatically move the files from Maui over to the printers FTP rather than having an agent move it manually. This step is done when the new publication is setup.

  1. Go to the CCC Output Folder on the network  (\\maui\AdvProd\PubProd\ccc_output)

  2. Locate the issue file: ce + pub code + date (for example: celd1071417)

  3. Copy the file and paste it in to the FTP site provided by the affiliate in the FTP Folder on the network

  4. Some clients will request their file be uploaded to an external site.

    1. NHS - Brochures|mailing|binding|magazines|printing|Bridgewater VA

    2. GH Printing - Printing Services | Chicago, IL

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