Shared Assets

Shared Assets

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides basic information on Blueshift shared assets, their properties, and how to manipulate them.



You may apply multiple shared assets to a template. Shared asset name must be unique to be referenced.


Just like other Blueshift objects, shared assets can be tagged. 

Asset Type

Asset type is a filed that helps manage assets.

  • HTML - basic HTML code.

  • Header - can be used for header.

  • Footer - can be used for footer.

  • Product grid - can be used for product grids.

  • Rick Text - Manage in a WYSIWYG editor.


Content is written in HTML while shared assets support Liquid macros including user and recommendation attributes.

Recommendation and Sample Event

When content contains customer data, provide a recommendation customer or a sample event to preview the content.


At the bottom of shared asset edit page is the preview of the content.

Applying Shared Assets to Templates

A shared assets can be applied to multiple templates. On the other hand, a template can reference multiple shared assets or the same asset more than once.

Once a share asset name is saved, apply the asset by copy and pasting reference string to template source area.

Delete a Shared Asset

On shared asset index page, locate the asset to be delete, click the triangle in Actions field to expand the menu and select Remove. If the asset is eligible to be deleted, it will be removed.

Renaming a Shared Asset

It is not recommended to rename your shared asset as you will have to update all the email templates that reference this shared asset. There is a lock function that prevents shared assets from being modified. 


Once a shared asset is associated to a template, it cannot be deleted.

Wrap up

You should now have a basic understanding of how Shared Assets function in Blueshift.

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