Sales and Revenue Terminology - Thoughtspot

Sales and Revenue Terminology - Thoughtspot

Business Term



Internal, Agora business name

Affiliate Category

Business genre of the affiliate (Financial or Health)

Affiliate Region

The geographical region where the affiliate is located

Affiliate Sub ID1

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

Affiliate Sub ID2

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

Affiliate Sub ID3

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

Affiliate Sub ID4

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

Affiliate Sub ID5

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

Affiliate Sub ID6

3rd Party URL Tracking Variables. Usually used by HasOffers/Cake/EverFlow to pass back unique variables associated with an order to 3rd party vendors.

AutoDelivery on Order

Does the order have auto-delivery (ADS) enabled? Typically used for product orders

Average USD Per Unit

Order Value/Number of Units 

Batch Order Status

OSM Status. Did the order make it through OSM to Advantage? ex. Activated=made it to Advantage, Deleted=deleted per OSM rules, Errored=error or issue with the order. Please not that activated does not mean that the order was paid, just that it made it to Advantage.

Batch Order Status Reason

Subcategories of batch order status

Batch Orders

Orders that were successfully batched to OSM. Raw demand for the item/promotion.

Batch Revenue

The revenue associated with the batch orders. This is sourced from the "orderData" data source, which is the same data source as the Zambezi and IRIS "batch". The "orderData" table is built from OSM in Advantage, and contains orders that may not ultimately get paid. This is reported in local, native currency. (For USD, use the Batch Revenue (USD.))

Batch Revenue (USD)

The Batch Revenue converted to USD. USD conversion rates are updated once a year from this source: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/uzOkC5y3EGsGxzh8qFKK?domain=xe.com

Billing Code

Billing Code, IE Billing Key Code is on ARPPDH and is populated when the CC Decline Advantage process runs, the ARP310. It's a indicator used by the renewals team to separate out efforts in Blueshift.


Refers to the marketing channel or means of promotion. It is determined by the first position of the promo code. 

Channel Category

Refers to the category that a channel belongs to (renewal, online internal, online external, etc.). To see the full grouping, layer in channel into your search bar.

Channel Type

A designation made by D&A to group specific channels together by Renewal, Free Acquisition, or Acquisition. To see the full grouping, layer in channel into your search bar.

Chargeback Amount

A subset of the refund amount that shows refunded money associated with chargebacks.

Chargeback Flag

Identifies if a transaction has been categorized as a charge back.


A subset of Refund Transactions that shows the number of chargebacks only


City of the customer designated on the order form. 

Commission Type

Used by telesales to catergorize the sales between inbound, outbound, etc.

Commission Type 1

Used by telesales to differentiate between commisionable sales, credit declines, and parr.

Company Name

Company name of customer designated on the order form. 

Control Group

Defined in Advantage, batches transactions together. Example being control group associated with a particular customer service agent, telesales rep, etc.

Copywriter 1

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW1 field; for all channels except A this will be the same as promo code CW fields. For A codes, will reflect the copywriter of the original promotion and can be used to capture PARR payments. Defined in IRIS and Advantage.

Copywriter 2

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW2 field; for all channels except A this will be the same as promo code CW fields. For A codes, will reflect the copywriter of the original promotion and can be used to capture PARR payments. Defined in IRIS and Advantage.

Copywriter 3

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW3 field; for all channels except A this will be the same as promo code CW fields. For A codes, will reflect the copywriter of the original promotion and can be used to capture PARR payments. Defined in IRIA and Advantage.


The Country identified in the Bill-To Address on the order form

Creative Code

Indicates the specific promotional creative that was associated with the promo code.

Credit Policy

Refers to a refund policy attached to a promotion code

Cross Sell Item Batch Orders

Batch Orders where the item was the cross sell. The cross sell/ upsell/ main designation is (mainly) sourced from the offer set up as defined in IRIS.

Cross Sell Item Batch Revenue

Batch revenue associated with the cross sell item.

Cumulative Gross Orders (Transaction Date)

This uses a ThoughtSpot formula (cumulative_sum) to show the accruing number of Gross Orders. In order to use this formula, you must use a date field in your search. For example, try searching: Cumulative Gross Orders (Transaction Date) This Month Day of Month. Use the line chart graph type.

Cumulative Gross Revenue (Transaction Date) 

This uses a ThoughtSpot formula (cumulative_sum) to show the accruing Gross Revenue. In order to use this formula, you must use a date field in your search. For example, try searching: Cumulative Gross Amount (Transaction Date) This Month Day of Month. Use the line chart graph type.

Cumulative Gross Revenue (USD) (Transaction Date) 

This uses a ThoughtSpot formula (cumulative_sum) to show the accruing Gross Revenue in USD. In order to use this formula, you must use a date field in your search. For example, try searching: Cumulative Gross Amount (USD) (Transaction Date) This Month Day of Month. Use the line chart graph type.


The currency that was used to purchase the current subscription.

Customer First Name

Customer first name designated on the order form.

Customer Last Name

Customer last name designated on the order form.

Customer Number

The code that uniquely identifies the customer account in Advantage.

Customer Phone Number

Customer phone number designated on the order form.

Days to Refund

Only populated on refunds and it is the days between the refund and the original order date (sourced from circbase). You can use this to see how many days after the original order the refund came in.

Delivery Method

Delivery method of subscription.


Cost to ship out products/items.

GL Host 1 Account

Accounting code that indicates the org that hosted a promotion. Indicates if it is an internal rev share, cross affiliate rev share or intra affiliate rev share. Derriverd from comparing department of parent department and host department in circbase.

GL Host Department

For a revenue share deal, whoever was defined as the host on the promo code/effort. Often times this is the owner of the list.

GL Host2 Deparment

For a revenue share deal, whoever was defined as the host2 on the promo code. This is often time used for internal splits among the same affiliate.

GL Parent Account

Accounting code that indicates the org. of the parent owning the item sold. Driven by item and channel (sometimes timing - PARR), identifiing PARR, renewal, maintenance fee, frontend, backend, etc.

GL Parent Department

For a revenue share deal, whoever was defined as the parent on the promo code/effort. Often times this is the owner of the item.

GL Parent Reporting Group Name


GL Parent Split Account

Counterpart of host account - parent you will have an expense, host you will have revenue

GL Period Close

Month the period was closed in circbase - hard close

Gross Orders

Orders that were paid. This is sourced from Circbase, our accounting database.

Gross Revenue

Revenue from every paid order. This is sourced from Circbase, our accounting database. Includes freight.

Gross Revenue (no freight)

Formula: Gross Revenue - Freight

Gross Revenue (USD)

Revenue from every paid order converted from native currency (if applicable) to USD. This is sourced from Circbase, our accounting database. Includes freight.

Invoice Number

A unique identifier of a payment or refund.

IP Address

IP address that was captured for orders placed online.

IRIS Ad Cost

Any ad cost entered into IRIS.

IRIS Advertisement

IRIS Advertisements are associated with the promotion code. A single Advertisement can have multiple promo codes associated with it. Keep this in mind if you are doing analysis by Advertisement only.

IRIS Campaign

This word / phrase can be used to represent your promotional campaigns. IRIS Campaigns are values you can use to represent your promotional campaigns.

IRIS Destination

This indicates whethere the promotion was being run.

IRIS Effort Tag Name

IRIS Effort tags associated with the promotion code. A single promo code can have multiple Effort Tags associated with it. Keep this in mind if you are doing analysis by Effort Tag only.

IRIS Effort Type

Details a higher level category of the effort. For example, the effort can be a space ad, banner ad, dedicated, editorial mention, etc.

IRIS Offer Name

Name of the offer creative in IRIS.

IRIS Page 1

Similar to Creative Code, this pulls from IRIS and generally describes the specific promotional creative that was associated with the effort. The "Mailing" here indicates that this is the IRIS Page1 associated with the Mailing. Using this version of the IRIS Page1 will return mailing results where this IRIS Page1 was used.

IRIS Placement Name

Pulled from IRIS, this details the placement of an effort. For example, for a space ad, it can be a top, middle or bottom ad. The "Orders" here indicates that this is the IRIS Placement Name associated with the actual orders taken through the mailing. Using this version of the IRIS Placement Name will return results for individuals who ordered on a promotion with this IRIS Placement Name.

IRIS Promotion Link

The multi-variate link associated with the promotion code.

IRIS Row Color

A free-form field in IRIS that can be used for categorizing specific efforts. This field can be associated with multiple promo codes. Keep this in mind if you are doing analysis by Row Color only.

IRIS Segment

This pulls from IRIS and provides description about what segment of the eLetter was targeted for the effort. Those could be selections (example: give me all actives of a given pub), suppressions or exclusions (example: exclude those who purchased within the last 3 months).

IRIS Spend Option

Fixed Cost, Cost per Order, Revenue Share, Cost per Name 

IRIS Subject Line

This is generally the subject line used for mailings. While there is always a subject line for a mailing, the IRIS Subject Line might not always be populated in IRIS.

IRIS Testing Group

Users can setup test groups in IRIS to test different parts of an effort.

IRIS Testing Group Category

A way to organize the different test groups in IRIS.

IRIS Testing Sub Group

A more granular way of testing an effort.

IRIS Tree Name

IRIS Trees are associated with the promotion code. A single Tree can have multiple promo codes associated with it. Keep this in mind if you are doing analysis by IRIS Trees only. Name of the funnel.

Issues Per Year

How often do customers recieve issues on a yearly basis. ex. Once, Quarterly, every 6 months, etc.


Item is a generic term for what was sold. Defined in Advantage, it can be a publication, service, one-off sale of a book, report, supplement, etc.

Item Package Code

Typically used for bundles where 2 or more items are being sold as a part of a 'package'. These bundles of items are lumped into one unique item code called a 'item package code'.

Item Type

Agreement, Product, Publication.

Member Category

The two character code that uniquely identifies the membership category/level of the membership and the name/description of that category.

Member Org

Membership level for a subscription.

Merchant ID

Used for credit card processing.

Net Host 1 External Amount

The net revenue that was split to another business. This is the same as the "Host External Split Revenue" in the Sales and Revenue data set. Pulls from Host 1 field.

Net Host 2 External Amount

The net revenue that was split to another business. This is the same as the "Host External Split Revenue" in the Sales and Revenue data set. Pulls from Host 2 fields.

Net Host Internal Amount 

The net revenue that was split to another department in the same business. This isi the same as the "Host Internal Split Revenue" in the Sales and Revenue Data set.

Net Parent Amount

The net revenue that was retained by the parent department.

Net Revenue

Formula: Batch Revenue + Refund Amount ( This is reported in local, native currency. For USD, use the Net Revenue (USD) measure.)

Net Revenue (no freight)

Formula: Batch Revenue + Refund Amount ( This is reported in local, native currency. For USD, use the Net Revenue (USD) measure.). Net Revenue - Freight

Net Revenue (USD)

The Net Revenue converted to USD. USD conversion rates are updated once a year from this source: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/uzOkC5y3EGsGxzh8qFKK?domain=xe.com

Non-Monetary Flag

Indicates whether the transaction was a monetary transaction or not.

Offer Code

An offer code groups together all of the components in an offer. The offer code is attached to a promo code.

Offer Type

Mainly sourced from IRIS, this designates if the item + promo choice + promo code combination was the main offer, upsell offer, or cross sell offer. (Fallback logic: If not defined in IRIS, uses the item code on the promo code in advantage to define primary and everything else is a cross sell - If that's also not possible, then we rank the orders and whatever got the most orders is the primary item.)

Order Number

Created in Advantage, this is a unique identifier for the order.

Owning Org

The three character code that indicates the business that owns the publication

Payment Method

Method the customer paid with. Ex. Cash, Check, Debit.

Price (Batch)

Price point of the item on the order.

Price (Gross)

Price point of the item on the order.

Primary Item

Because most of our efforts are geared to sell one main/primary item and then using the one-click upsell or cross sell features to add other items to the cart, the logic we use to derive Primary Item is the following hierarchy:                                                                    

  1. Use the product associated with the IRIS effort

  2. Look for valid value in the Item Number (ITM-NUM) field on CPNPMO in Advantage

  3. Looking at all the orders for a given promo code in BI data, give Primary Item status to the item with the most orders against it

Primary Item Batch Orders

Batch orders for the primary item. 

Primary Item Batch Revenue

Batch revenue for the primary item.

Product Refund Reason

Reason given on the refund - limited to product refunds only

Promo Acq Method

Identifies the media outlet where customers are acquired for the promotion.

Promo Campaign

A Campaign is a grouping of Promotion Codes. Typically, Campaign Code is used to group together all Promo codes for a given offer for a given product in a given month and channel. This field includes both the Campaign Code and the description of the code.

Promo Choice

What choice the customer selected on the promo.

Promo Code

The Promo Code ties together and represents all critical attributes of a marketing effort for analysis, including the offer, creative, list, ad costs, copywriter, etc.

Promo code CW1

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW1 field; defined in iris and advantage 

Promo code CW2

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW2 field; defined in iris and advantage 

Promo code CW3

Associated with the (original) promo code, this identifies the copywriter listed in the CW3 field; defined in iris and advantage 

Promo Code2 (for PARR)

Second promo code field which is used to tie PARR (on an A code) back to the original promotion

Promo Desc 1

Description for the promo code

Promo Desc 2

Description for the promo code

Promo Mail Date

This is the date that the promo code was created.

Promo Selection

This freeform field provides description about what segment of the List was targeted for the effort. Those could be selections (example: give me all actives of a given pub), suppressions or exclusions (example: exclude those who purchased within the last 3 months).

Pub Type

Refers to what the publication is generally designed to do. Frontend publications are lower priced (under $100 annually) and designed to be used on the frontend to bring in or acquire the subscriber. Backends are higher priced (over $1,000) and used to monetize customers.

Refund % (Cash flow transactions)

Your cashflow refund % so the number of refunds trasnactions taken divided by the gross orders

Refund % (Cash flow)

Your cashflow refund % so the amount tied to refund transactions taken divided by the gross revenue

Refunded Revenue

Revenue associated with refunded transactions. Includes freight.

Refunded Revenue (no freight)

Revenue associated with refunded transactions (excluding freight).

Refunded Revenue (USD)

The Refund Amount converted to USD. USD conversion rates are updated once a year from this source: https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/uzOkC5y3EGsGxzh8qFKK?domain=xe.com

Refunded Transactions

Count of orders that have been refunded. This is sourced from circbase, our accounting database, which is the same data source as the Revenue Analysis Dashboard, and all "Accounting" reports in Infobase, like the Transaction Export Utility.

Response Type

How the customer reponded to the effort

Salesman ID

Code that represents the agent that placed the order 


State associated with the order 

Sub Type

Category that the subscription type falls in 


Tax collected on the order

Tax Commodity Code

Advantage will use the commodity code to determine tax-ability for cancellations and refund calculations. Specific to domestic publications 

Term Length

The term length of the subscription sold

Transaction Date

Date the transactions took place - can reflect the date of the batch transaction, the gross transaction, or the refund transaction.

Transaction Description

Detail description of transaction type 

Transaction Type

Identifies if the transaction was a purchase or a refund - pulled from Circbase

UNC Source Code

source code for agora centralized marketplace 

UNC Source Dept Code

Source code for agora centralized marketplace 

UNC Source Owning Org

Source code for agora centralized marketplace 

UNC Source Primary Item Code

Source code for agora centralized marketplace 

Unique Count Customer Number

Source code for agora centralized marketplace 

Units (Batch)

How many items were batch orders 

Units (Gross)

How many items were gross orders 

Units (Refund)

How many items were refunded 

Units Purchased per Order

How many of each product was purchased per order

Upsell Item Batch Orders

List of batch orders that were upsell. 

Upsell Item Batch Revenue

Revenue from all batch upsell orders. 


The list or source where the product was promoted. This can be an internal or external email list, a web site, a radio station, a rented list of names for direct mail, etc. List can be defined in many disparate ways across applications. Here is the hierarchy in which List is displayed:

  • IRIS List in the Effort set-up (IRIS Media Outlet)

  • Advantage CPNPMO Internal List (LIST-CDE)

  • Advantage CPNPMO External List (LST-ID)

Vendor (Advantage Only)

This is the advantage list name and is not sourced from IRIS.

Vendor System Name

The system that was taking the order (wmc/opium/advantage)

Verified Flag

Indicates whether the order has been verified by accounting.

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