Signups and Unsubscribe Terminology - Thoughtspot

Signups and Unsubscribe Terminology - Thoughtspot

Business Term


Acquisition Method

Identifies the media outlet where customers are acquired for the promotion

Acquisition Method Type

Categorizes the acquisition method into 4 categories. IE. Lead Gen, Organic, Paid Search, or other Identifies the media outlet where customers are acquired for the promotion

Actual Adds

Customer who was successful added to the list

Actual Adds %

The percent of submitted signups that were successfully added to the list. 

Add: New Email to Affiliate

Successful signups where the signup was the first time the subscriber enrolled in a list owned by the affiliate 

Add: New Email to List

Successful signups where the signup was the first time the subscriber joined that particular e-list 

Add: Reactivation

Successful signups where the subscriber had subscribed to that list in the past 


Internal, Agora business name


A Campaign is a grouping of Promotion Codes. Typically, Campaign Code is used to group together all Promo codes for a given offer for a given product in a given month and channel. This field includes both the Campaign Code and the description of the code.


Refers to the marketing channel or means of promotion. It is determined by the first position of the promo code. 

Customer IP Address

IP address associated with the customer number 

Customer Number

Number used to reference customer 

Days on File (for Unsubs)

Calculation of how long subscribers were on file before they unsubscribed 


Specifies what elist subscribers are on 

Email Id

Email ID associated with the customer 

Event Category

Gives the ability to filter between signup events or unsubscribe events 

Event Date

Date the signup or unsub took place. User has the ability to select timeframes such as yesterday, etc. 

IRIS Campaign

This word / phrase can be used to represent your promotional campaigns. IRIS Campaigns are values you can use to represent your promotional campaigns.

IRIS Effort Tag Name

IRIS Effort tags associated with the promotion code. A single promo code can have multiple Effort Tags associated with it. Keep this in mind if you are doing analysis by Effort Tag only.

IRIS Offer Name

Name of the offer creative in IRIS.

Organization Code

A three digit code used to identify the affiliate who owns a service or product​

Referring URL

URL of a web page that links to yours, sending traffic

Signup Date

Date tied to the signup event 

Source Code

This is the "promo" code assigned to eLetter sign-up boxes that allow us to track where a new subscriber signed up

Submitted Signups

Metric that measures all of the people that attempted to add themselves to desired list 

Unsub: Bulk List Cleaning

Subscribers who were removed from the list due to a one-time list cleaning requested by the affiliate. 

Unsub: Customer

Subscribers who unsubscribed themselves from the list either through a SignupApp link in a mailing or through customer service 

Unsub: Global Invalid

Relates to the global email validation program which runs once a day looking for any new email addresses. Puts the email address through email oversight and recipient validation. The results of the two tools are matrixed to determine the most likely to be invalid email addresses. Those deemed invalid will have, at the customer level in Advantage, their status changed to Invalid. This will be reflected on the list level by he list status changing to C.

Unsub: ISP

Subscribers who unsubscribed themselves from the list through the "unsubscribe" link presented in the email client. For example, Gmail offers an unsubscribe link next to the email subject. 

Unsub: List Cleaning

Subscribers who were removed from the list due to the regularly scheduled list cleaning process. List cleaning parameters are unique for each business but could be something like, remove all customers who have not opened or clicked on an email from the list in 250 days 

Unsub: Spam Complaint

Subscribers who unsubscribed themselves from the list by marketing an email from the list as spam or by customer service marking the customer as a spam complainer. Subscribers who unsub this way are prevented from resubscribing in the future 

Unsub: Undeliverable (Hard Bounces)

Subscribers who were removed from the list because emails sent to the customer from the list bounced back. 

Unsub: Unknown

Catch all for unsubscribe events that can't be categorized 


Count of unsubscribe events 

Unsuccessful Add %

The percent of submitted signups that could not be added to the list 

Unsuccessful Adds

Signup attempts that were not added to a list 

Unsuccessful: Already Active

Signups that could not be added to the list because the email address submitted was invalid 

Unsuccessful: Global Invalid

Relates to the global email validation program which runs once a day 

Unsuccessful: Invalid Address

signups that could not be added to the list because the email address submitted was invalid 

Unsuccessful: Spam Complainer

Signups that could not be added to the list because the subscribers had previously marked an email from the list as spam 


UTM Placeholder 


UTM Placeholder 


UTM Placeholder 


UTM Placeholder 


UTM Placeholder 


The list or source where the product was promoted. This can be an internal or external email list, a web site, a radio station, a rented list of names for direct mail, etc. List can be defined in many disparate ways across applications. Here is the hierarchy in which List is displayed:

  • IRIS List in the Effort set-up (IRIS Media Outlet)

  • Advantage CPNPMO Internal List (LIST-CDE)

  • Advantage CPNPMO External List (LST-ID)

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