Signups and Unsubscribes - Thoughtspot
This dataset is geared towards marketing managers, publishers, or anyone responsible and/or interested in understanding the on and off activity for their lists. Sourced from Advantage every 2 hours, it shows a breakdown of subscribes and unsubscribes for free lists. This data set is a great place to start for marketers wanting to view the performance of sign-up efforts/vendors, monitor list file sizes overtime and to see how many subscribers they bring in/lose (and why) on a day-to-day basis.
Use cases for this data set:
Review how many subscribers are gained/lost by various time frames (ex. Week by week, month by month, etc.)
Understand how many submitted signups are successful vs. unsuccessful (ex. vendor may be supplying names that are already on your lists)
Understand the length of time between signup and unsubscribe events
View performance of ads on Facebook and other external vendors
Identify potential lists to market to in the future
Help marketers catch issues that may be occurring
Investigation of huge drops or spikes in file size
Key Considerations:
This data set only includes data from free lists
‘Submitted signups’ only reflects attempts. Actual adds is the metric use to get a count of those successfully added to the list
This is a standalone data set and is not meant to be directly compared with other datasets
Unsuccessful % plus Actual Adds % do not always total 100%. Data is taken from different source systems that do not always tie together the full life cycle of the Submitted Signup
Actual adds are from Advantage
Submitted signups are from Signup app