Active Subscriber - Thoughtspot

Active Subscriber - Thoughtspot

Active Subscriber Dataset

This dataset is geared towards executives, publishers, marketing managers, or anyone responsible and/or interested understanding their current active subscriber base. Sourced daily from Advantage, it shows a breakdown of your active file size by attributes like renewal flag, term, billing status, price, etc. All attributes relate to the subscribers' current, active term. 

Use cases for this data set:  

  • Get a count of total unique subscribers. There are typically three different ways you can look at this for your business (assuming you’re not filtered to a specific item(s): 

  • Total Unique Subscribers: Unique customer number count overall, including paid and free subscribers (active unique customer measure with no item/list type filter) 

  • Total Unique Paid Subscribers: Unique customer number count for paid subscribers. Customers can be subscribed to more than one item, but they will only be counted once here (active unique customer measure with Item/List Type filtered to Publication and Agreement) 

  • Total Unique Free Subscribers: Unique customer number count for free subscribers. Customers can be subscribed to more than one free list, but they will only be counted once here (active unique customer measure with Item/List Type filtered to List) 

  • Identify how much of the file are on Auto Renew with Auto Charge (using the renewal flag = C) 

  • Can also use this in tandem with Auto Renew Rate to calculate renewal projections. Be advised, though, it’s important to factor in estimated renewal rates when calculating projections. We’d recommend using the Auto Renew Projections app in Qlik Sense instead. 

  • Analyze your subscriber base by ‘Months to go’ aka how many calendar months away they are from final expiration 

  • To see when your subscriber base will fall off (if not renewed) 

  • Pair this with renewal flag = ‘U’ to get an idea of how many customers have invalid credit cards 

  • Identify how much of your file ‘is renewable’ (aka not a lifetime or perpetual subscription) or not 

Key Considerations:   

  • This data set only provides CURRENT active file size. If you would like to look at historical file size data, please use the Historical File Size app in Qlik Sense 

  • While you can calculate Auto Renewal Projections in this data set, we’d recommend using the Auto Renew Projections app in Qlik Sense instead 

  • We use customer number when calculating active unique customers and number of active subscriptions 

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