Getting Started With ThoughtSpot

Getting Started With ThoughtSpot

Summary TL/DR: This area will help guide you through the homepage and how to get started with search.

Home page

When you log into ThoughtSpot, you see the ThoughtSpot home page. It is accessible when you select Home or the ThoughtSpot logo from the top navigation bar.

The ThoughtSpot home page allows you to access all your essential actions as a business user. From the home page, you can:

  • Search across existing answers and Liveboards

  • Search your data to create new answers and Liveboards

  • Track important metrics

  • View objects you viewed recently

  • View trending Liveboards and answers

  • Filter existing objects by favorite, author, tag, or type of object

  • Sort existing objects by author, views, or most recently viewed


Search across existing answers and Liveboards

You can search across all existing answers, Liveboards, and visualizations in Liveboards that are built on worksheets where you have access. Use this functionality if you cannot remember the exact name of a useful answer, do not remember which Liveboard a visualization is on, or if you are simply wondering if someone else already created an answer or Liveboard that would suit your needs.

The home page displays the Search answers experience by default. You can select a specific worksheet from the Sources dropdown to the left of the search bar, or search across all worksheets that you have access to. Type your query into the search bar at the top of the screen. Select Go or click Enter on your keyboard. For example, search gross orders last year if you are looking for a particular Liveboard about sales that a coworker made. This type of search does not require you to be extensively familiar with your company’s data and how it is organized.

Search your data

You can search directly on your data. Use this functionality if you would like to create your own answers and Liveboards to answer questions about your data.

To search your data, select the Search data button in the top navigation bar.. The Search data page appears. Select a data source to search on (e.g. Sales & Revenue), and type your query into the search bar at the top of the screen. Select Go or click Enter on your keyboard. For example, search gross revenue last year pub type to see last year’s gross revenue by pub type. This type of search requires you to be familiar with your company’s data, to know which worksheets contain data that interests you, and the names of the columns and values within that worksheet.

See Searching data for more information on searching your data.

Recently viewed

By default, the ThoughtSpot home page shows you a list of all answers and Liveboards you have access to, in order of how recently you viewed them. To view answers and Liveboards in the opposite order, click on Last viewed. Click on it again to return to the original view.

To see more objects, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Next. ThoughtSpot displays 20 objects on each page.

This change does not persist across sessions. If you log out and log back in, the view returns to the default.

Trending Liveboards and Answers

The home page shows you the top 5 trending Liveboards and answers among all users in your environment on the right panel of the screen. You can see how many views these trending objects have. Easily view and interact with these trending objects by clicking on their name from the Trending panel. You can open them in a new tab by right-clicking on the link


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