SMS Troubleshooting (Refactored Instances)
Summary / TL:DR: This article outlines troubleshooting steps for SMS list subscriptions in refactored accounts.
SMS Overview
Fulfillment SMS Playbook - Refactor - Associated with Paid subscriptions
Marketing SMS Playbook - Refactor - Associated with Free lists (not used as often)
Signup Workflow
What You’ll Need
Customer Number
Phone Number used to signup
Email Address used to signup
List(s) the customer signed up to
Check the SUA2 UI
Navigate to the SAU2 UI
Click SMS Lists → SMS List Members
Select the SMS List from the dropdown
Search the SMS List Members by the following:
Customer Number
Phone Number
Email Address
Verify the customer is subscribed by looking for the the Green check mark
If there is a under subscribed, the customer has not completed the signup process. You can check the SUA2 Database for more information.
Check the SUA2 Database
Use the following query with the customer’s information:
SELECT * FROM sua.list_member_history as lmh
join sua.list on sua.lmh.list_id =
where phone_number = '0123456789' /*Enter customer's phone number here*/
and list_code = 'wes'; /*Enter list code the customer signed up to*/
You can verify if the customer is subscribed if the Subscribed column has a value of 1. If the value is 0 the customer is not subscribed. Additionally, the is_active column is updated with a value of 1 if the customer signs up but has not completed the opt-in process. Once the customer replies with the correct message, opted_in and Subscribed will be updated with a value of 1.
If the value is subscribed value is 0 and the is_active value is 1, check to make sure the customer replied to the opt_in message correctly. Use the customer’s phone number in the query below to view the message history.
SELECT * from sua.member_message_history
where phone_number = '1234567890'; /*Enter customer's phone number here*/
If the customer did not reply with the correct message, they will need to reply with that message in order to complete the opt-in process.
Blueshift receives the fulfillment_sms_subscribe and/or marketing_sms_subscribe event(s) after the customer as opted in to receive SMS messages. That event updates the subscription and/or list transactions respectively.
Customer Profile
Find the customer profile using the email address they used to sign up to the SMS list
Navigate to the Activity tab to verify that there is either the fulfillment_sms_subscribe or marketing_sms_subscribe event (depending in the SMS list)
If there is no event, check the corresponding transaction (subscription or list) to see if the sms_active attribute has been updated for the corresponding item.
For example, if the customer is subscribed to pub ABC and then they opt-in to the ABC SMS list, the subscription transaction for ABC will contain the sms_active attribute and it will be set to “true”.
If the sms_active is set to true, check to see if any SMS campaigns for that SMS list have been sent since the signup date. If none have gone out, create a Subscription Transaction segment that targets the corresponding publication, sms_active is equal to ‘true’, subscription_status is equal to ‘true’ and the customer’s email address. If the customer is being picked up in the segment, they should be all set to receive SMS messages in the future.
Check to make sure the customer is not already signed up for another SMS list with a different phone number
Navigate to the customer profile in Blueshift using the email address the customer used to signup
Look under Profile and look for the customer’s phone number
If the phone number is different from the phone number the customer singed up with, the signup will be rejected. See Signup Logic
Advise that that the customer signup using the existing phone number