IRIS Mailing Statuses (IRIS)

IRIS Mailing Statuses (IRIS)


Below is a list of mailing statuses that can been seen from the Mailing Schedule page.

In ProgressThe mailing has not been created in Message Central and has not been approved.
IncompleteThe mailing was created in MC but not all mailings exist (for Ad Matrix mailings only).
Needs SchedulingThe mailing is created in Message Central, but has not been approved and has not been scheduled.
Needs ApprovalThe mailing is scheduled but not approved.  See Approving a Mailing for more information.
ApprovedThe mailing has been approved and will be sent through Message Central.  The mailing at this point is not editable without first selecting "unapprove".  See Unapproving a Mailing for more information.
SendingThe mailing is in progress of being sent after it has been scheduled.
CompleteThe mailing has sent through Message Central.

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