Claim a Note

Claim a Note

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for claiming a duplicate a note from the Note Activity screen in Advantage.

When a rep works a note in the NAC, the rep 'claims' all other notes for the same customer within the active folder. When notes are claimed in this way, they are shown in a dedicated list frame seen only by the rep who has claimed the notes.

How to Claim Duplicate Notes

  1. From the Customer Search Screen, navigate to the Advanced tab and click Note Activity to open the NAC screen

  2. If the note being worked on has duplicate notes to be claimed the Claimed Notes dialog box will appear:

  3. Working the note will claim all of the duplicate notes in the current folder being worked in

Selecting OK takes you to the next claimed note until the user has worked through them all.

Wrap up

You should now be able to claim a duplicate a note from the Note Activity screen in Advantage.

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