Review a Note
Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for reviewing a note from Note Activity or the Customer Note sections of Advantage.
Reviewing the Note in Note Activity
Every contact that comes in to Note Activity - either email, letter or various task - becomes a note on the customer's account. Below is an explanation of what these notes look like in Note Activity.
Email Contacts
If the customer contacted via email, the Inbound Email Address and Inbound Email Subject will fill in. The Note Text will contain the body of the email sent from the customer. If the customer contacted us through a form on one of the websites, the form submissions will be structured as follows:
First Name
Late Name
Mail Contacts
If the customer contacted us by mailing in a letter, these will be assigned to the Proxy Customer account and the mail piece will need to be reviewed to select the correct account. Click on View Document next to the docket number to review the scanned piece of mail.
This is an example of what a scanned letter looks like when you click View Document. The number above the customer's name and address starting with 0000 is the customer's account number from Advantage. Enter that into the Customer Number field and click Next.
Various Contacts
There are other types of contacts that are managed from Note Activity. Note Activity can be used to manage task escalations from the call center as well as other various actions that require follow-up from customer service. For example, if a welcome package premium is sent back to the warehouse as un-deliverable, a note is created on the account and loaded into Note Activity so that someone can notify the customer proactively that there was an issue with fulfillment.
This is an example of a welcome package premium that was sent back to the warehouse as un-deliverable. The Communicated By is SVC for Customer Service Contact and the Reason Category is set to UNDELV for this note. The details of what was returned is in the note text.
Reviewing the Note in Notes
Every contact that comes in to Note Activity - either email, letter or various task - becomes a note on the customer's account. Below is an explanation of what these notes look like in the Notes icon.
Locating an Email Note
Locate the note in the Customer Notes icon. In the Comm By field, these will be EMAIL. Select Inquire Note to view more details.
Reviewing Email/Letter Sent By Customer
Once you locate the note in the Notes icon, select Inquire Note
Click View Document next to the docket number
A Word document or viewer will open with the text/image of the letter sent by the customer.
Reviewing Email/Letter Sent To Customer
In the Notes Detail dialog box, select the Note Letters tab
Select Review to view the letter/email
From the Note Letters tab, you can also view the status and transmission method. Recommended customization:
Letter Code | The letter code is the identifier of which letter was sent to the customer. |
Letter Status Description | The status of the letter being sent.
Transmission Method Description | The method the letter was sent - either email or mail. |
Done Date | The date the letter was sent. |
Email Address Used | The email address used to send the email to. For letters sent by email only. |
Outbound Email | The email address the email was sent from. For letters sent by email only. |
Email Subject | The subject line of the email sent. For letters sent by email only. |
Wrap up
You should now know how to review a note from Note Activity or the Customer Note sections of Advantage.
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