Hold a Note

Hold a Note

Summary / TL:DR: This article provides instructions for placing a note on hold to come back to later.

When a user needs to provide additional details on a note before completion, they can place a note on hold.

How to Place a Note on Hold

  1. From the Customer Search Screen, navigate to the Advanced tab and click Note Activity to open the NAC screen

  2. Click Hold

  3. The Enter Hold Reason dialog box will appear, select a Hold Reason

  4. Click OK

Held notes will be moved from the current folder to the HOLD folder. If you are assigned to the HOLD folder, the note will automatically re-queue for you to work on later. Also, you can take a note off of hold manually. Go here for instructions on retrieving a note on hold.

Wrap up

You should now know how to put a note on hold to come back to later.

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