Searched Fields

Searched Fields

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you instructions for searching in Advantage using only specified fields on screen.

The best way to narrow down the search is to use the Searched Fields option and select the field you would like to search by, for example searching by Promotion Code - this will only look for that string within the Promotion Code field instead of all the fields listed. 

How to Search Using Searched Fields 

  1. From any marketing screen in Advantage where you can perform a search using the search bar

  2. Locate the Gear Icon and select Searched Fields from the dropdown

  3. Select the the criteria you would like to focus the search on

  4. Enter the query in the search bar and hit ENTER.

  5. The search results will only show items that match the selected search field used. 

Wrap up

You should now know the instructions for searching in Advantage using only specified fields on screen.

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