Setting Up a Lead Gen Domain

Setting Up a Lead Gen Domain

Summary / TL:DR: This will show you how to step up lead gen domain

Lead Gen Domains are domains that IRIS utilizes when hosting advertisements for Lead Gen efforts. Lead Gen efforts are used to take unknown customers and sign them up to a free list - this is different than Paid efforts, which are used to convince a customer to buy something, then send them to OPIUM to complete the purchase. Follow the instructions below to set up a Lead Gen Domain. 


Please remember to ask Oxford and AF what LLC the domain needs to be registered under!!!


Lead Gen and Paid workflows are treated separately throughout the IRIS system because they do different things (signing a stranger up to our database vs taking money from a known customer in exchange for a product or pub), and they need different information and tools to accomplish that, handling the domains separately is just one manifestation of this.


  • The Teams Required in Setting Up a Paid Domain

  • How to Submit a ticket for a Lead Gen Domain Config

    • Add the Domain to IRIS

  • Close out the ticket


Lead Gen efforts pull their Default Redirect URL from the Item, rather than the Domain, and pull their external effort URLs completely from the Creative, rather than using the procedural method that Paid Domains use.

The Teams Required in Setting Up a Paid Domain

  • Global Support, will need to add it to the blacklist monitor and Internet Information Services (IIS)

  • IT, will need to purchase the domain, point it to the correct IP, and add it to the Signup cert

How to Submit a ticket for a Lead Gen Domain Config

  1. Figure out what domains need to be set up

  2. Edit the Description of your ticket and paste in the domains that they have requested in the format of "signups.mydomain.com".

3. Submit a DNS request ticket to IT through by clicking here and complete the following fields:

Raise this request on behalf of

Keep yourself as the reporter


'New Lead Gen Domain for (Affiliate Name)'

DNS Record Type

A Record


Paste in the domains that the affiliate requested, separate by commas

Make sure they're formatted as "signup.___.com", otherwise IT won't know to set up the specific subdomain we need. Signup can also be signups or reports, whatever the affiliate wants.

Enter an IP address or URL

Enter the IP associated with the affiliate from the Affiliate IPs & Cert Names page

DNS Scope

External and Internal

Due Date

Make it 5 business days from the day you are submitting the ticket.

Will the domain be handling any payment card data?

Enter No.

Name of Agora Division:

(Affiliate Name)

Request participants

Enter Kathryn Stealey


Put your manager

And Additional Details

Use the following script:

Please point this to the (affiliate IRIS IP) IP and add it to the SIGNUP2.PUBSVS.COM cert. Register under (Enter Affiliate LLC).


4. Click Create

5. Use Affiliate IPs & Cert Names to look up the IP for the affiliate. If the affiliate has multiple IPs, you'll need them to clarify which they want to use.

6. Wait for the IT ticket to be done. For Lead Gen Domains this could take a few days. You can put your ticket on postponed while you wait. 

7. Once IT is done, tag Sandra Bilku, Sam Powell or Francisco Reyes in the ticket to get the domain into IIS and to add it to the blacklist monitor. Please do the 1st step of checking to make sure the domain is set up on the correct IP and cert before tagging to get into IIS. Add Domains to IIS

Add the Domain to IRIS

  1. The Domain must be added to IRIS next. 

  2. Open an new tab in your browser and go to your affiliate's IRIS instance.
    3. Click manage and then click domains

4. Click create in the top left of the page.

5. On the Create Domain Configuration page, complete the following fields:


Copy and paste the full Domain (e.g. "Signups.MyDomain.Com") 

Signup URL

Copy and paste Paste the full Domains (e.g. "Signups.MyDomain.Com") 

6. Click create


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