Clearing Credential Manager

Clearing Credential Manager

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to clear Credential Manager on a PC.

How to clear Credential Manager

  1. Navigate to the start menu and search for “Credential manager”.


  2. You will then be presented with a window that looks similar to the one below.


  3. Expand all the entries you see in credential manager by clicking the dropdown arrow. Once
    expanded select the “Remove from vault option” for all entries.


  4. You will be presented with a window asking if you are sure you want to delete this selection.
    Select “yes”.


  5. After you clear your credential manager restart your computer.
    *If you are using a VM, restart your computer by going to the windows start menu and typing
    “shutdown –r” (without quotes). Then hit enter.

Wrap up

You should now know how to clear Credential Manager on a PC.

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