ADV FAQs Cancel an Order
This article will show you how to cancel an order in Advantage. Use these instructions when a customer wants to cancel an order that has not yet been fulfilled. These instructions apply to orders in Complete - C and Unfinished - U status. If the order has been fulfilled, it will need to be returned for a refund.
2 min read
If the order was part of an automatic delivery - generated from BCL - do not follow these instructions. You will need to terminate the automatic delivery. You will be prompted to delete the pending order in C status.
How to Cancel an Order
From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Activity
Select the product you want to cancel
Select Delete Order (this option is available by right-click or via the ellipsis icon)
A dialog box will appear to confirm the cancellation.
Click Yes
Once the order is deleted, it will no longer appear in the Customer Activity screen. If the customer is on automatic delivery, cancel the automatic delivery first and this will prompt you to cancel the pending order.