ADV FAQs Cancel an Order with Installment Billing

ADV FAQs Cancel an Order with Installment Billing

Summary / TL:DR: This article will show you how to help a customer cancel an order that is currently on installment billing in Advantage.

How to Cancel an Order with Installment Billing 

  1. From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Activity

  2. Select the item you want to cancel the installment for and do the following...

  1. For AMB select Cancel Agreement, for Conference right click and select delete registration

  2. A dialog box will appear to confirm the cancellation. (The dialog box will be different depending on the item type being canceled, (for example  an AMB) complete the following fields:

Credit Reason

Select a cancellation reason.

Cancellation Fee

Leave the default.

Application Options

Leave the default.

Term # Cancellation

Leave the default.

Future Term Cancellation

If you also want to cancel all future terms:

Prompt the user as to whether they want to cancel all future terms along with the cancellation of the term being processed. Click the Cancel All Future terms box.

3. Click OK

4. The order recap will display the refund for the installment cancel 

  1. For CIR select Modification and enter CUS

  2. A dialog box will appear to confirm the cancellation, hit enter once, and then complete the following fields:

Issues to Credit

This field will be auto filled based on the credit policy

Circulation Service Reason

Select a cancel reason

Apply to Order

Leave as REFUND

Cancellation Fee

Leave as No Cancellation Fee

Reserve Credit Rule

Leave Blank

2. Click OK

3. The order recap will display the refund for the cancel

In some cases, customer service is cancelling to upgrade or switch the service and they do not want the letter to update. In these cases, the agent should use one of the following reasons as they do NOT generate the letter:

C-UPG - To be used for upgrades

XOPS - One off scenarios in which cancel letters are not desired

Wrap up

You should now know how to help a customer cancel an order that is currently on installment billing in Advantage.

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