ADV FAQs Adjust the Rate of an Agreement
Summary / TL:DR: This article will review the instructions when a customer would like to adjust the rate or service period for an agreement in Advantage.
If for any reason you need to adjust the rate the customer has paid you will need to adjust the component on the agreement.
It is important to note that when making a financial adjustment you will need to set the 'Takes Effect On’ field so that it matches the Agreement Start Date. Failure to do this will result in an incorrect refund in the future.
How To Adjust the Rate of an Agreement
From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Activity
Select the agreement you want to update
Click Add Version
The Access Agreement Entry dialog box will appear, complete the following field:
Takes Effect On | Change the date to match the agreement start date |
5. Click the Agreements Components Tab
6. Highlight the Access Service to be updated and click Change
7. The Agreement Component dialog box will appear, click Next
8. The Agreement Access Points screen will appear, complete the following fields:
Override Unit Amount | Enter the new amount for the agreement |
Override Reason | Select a reason that closely matches the reason for the rate change |
9. Click Finish
10. If you are reducing the amount this will generate a refund. If you are increasing the payment it will initiate the payment dialogue and payment will need to be taken at this time.