ADV FAQs Cancel Agreement and Apply to New Order

ADV FAQs Cancel Agreement and Apply to New Order

This article will show you how to cancel an agreement and apply the credit to a new order in Advantage.

2 min read

These instructions require you to have a control group open. 

How To Cancel an Agreement and Apply Credit to a New Order

  1. The first step is to place the new order.  Once the order is placed, copy the order number as this is needed when you cancel the previous agreement.  To place an order for an agreement, go here.

  2. Once the order is placed, proceed to the next step with your order number

  3. From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to Customer Activity

  4. Select the agreement you want to cancel and click Cancel Agreement

  5. The Agreement Cancellation dialog box will appear.  Complete the following fields: 

Credit Reason

Enter a reason for the cancellation.

Application Options

Select Apply credit to this unposted order in my current control group. Enter order number under Apply-to Number.

Term # Cancellation Settings

Select Cancel Entire Term.

6. Click OK

Wrap up

You should now know how to cancel an agreement and apply the credit to a new order in Advantage.

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