Order Links with Customer Variables for Pre-pop (Legacy)

Order Links with Customer Variables for Pre-pop (Legacy)

This article will introduce how to set up order links with customer variables for pre-pop in Blueshift and Message Central.

4 min read

Table of contents


Order links contain customer specific variables that identify recipient and mailing/campaign. The feature supports populating customer data on order form, known as pre-pop.


Order form URL wrapped in <a> or <area> tags are appended with variables to identify and verify recipients. These variables personalize URLs based on recipient's Advantage customer data, metadata of the mailing/campaign and a hashed variable.

Data Source

Advantage customer data replicated to Message Central/Blueshift and data to identify mailing/campaign and link.

Additionally, a vid is attached as a safety measure.



Order link variables is modeled as a shared asset in Blueshift that can be used anywhere in email templates.


With more flexibility, you'll have option to attach order link variables to any hyperlinks.

Order Link Variables








Advantage customer number

12-digit customer number generated by Advantage and mapped to Blueshift user_transaction.group_id attribute.

The data is associated based on the transaction defined in the segment. Make sure that the campaign is powered by a segment and that the transaction is properly specified in the segment.


Blueshift campaign uuid

campaign_uuid identifying Blueshift campaigns.



Specifying source of the link. eml for Blueshift.


Blueshift experiment uuid

experiment_uuid identifying Blueshift experiments.


Verification ID

The result of processing Advantage customer number, campaign_uuid, and a hex key by md5_vid.


Blueshift Link ID

bsft_link_id identifying hyperlinks in <a> or <area> tags assigned by Blueshift. Link ID is unique by Blueshift template.


Blueshift Execution Key

bsft_ek identifying individual Blueshift mailings. In conjunction with campaign_uuid, child mailings can be identified even when they are on the same Blueshift campaign. Execution key is a UTC timestamp following ISO 8601 format. Sample: 2019-10-10T12:34:56Z

Order Link Variables

customerNumber={Advantage customer number}&campaignId={Blueshift campaign uuid}&r=eml&experimentId={Blueshift experiment uuid}&vid={Verification ID}&bsft_link_id={Blueshift Link ID}&bsft_ek={Blueshift Execution Key}

Steps to Create an Order Link

Order links are written in Liquid script:

{% assign conId = {{user_transaction.group_id}} %} {% assign shsec = "5018bbccde7b4d3ecf0b800b39e7200f"%} {% assign mailingId = {{campaign_uuid}} %} {% assign vid_string = mailingId | append: "|" | append: conId | append: "|" | append: shsec %} {% assign vid = {{vid_string | md5_vid}} %} {% assign contactId = {{user_transaction.group_id}} %} {% assign mailingId = {{campaign_uuid | default: ""}} %} {% assign experimentId = {{experiment_uuid | default: ""}} %} <a href="{{orderLink}}?customerNumber={{contactId}}&campaignId={{mailingId}}&r=eml&experimentId={{experimentId}}&vid={{vid}}">Order Link Description</a>

You may store the scripts and make it reusable. Handle the scripts in shared assets: one to generate vid, and the other to generate the variables.

Order Link Verification ID
{% assign conId = {{user_transaction.group_id}} %} {% assign shsec = "5018bbccde7b4d3ecf0b800b39e7200f" %} {% assign mailingId = {{campaign_uuid}} %} {% assign vid_string = mailingId | append: "|" | append: conId | append: "|"  | append: shsec %} {% assign vid = {{vid_string | md5_vid}} %}
Order Link
{% assign conId = {{user_transaction.group_id}} %} {% assign shsec = "5018bbccde7b4d3ecf0b800b39e7200f" %} {% assign mailingId = {{campaign_uuid}} %} {% assign vid_string = mailingId | append: "|" | append: conId | append: "|"  | append: shsec %} {% assign vid = {{vid_string | md5_vid}} %}
Template Source

In the template, apply both shared assets and specify orderLink using the script below:

{% assign orderLink = "https://pro.14west.us/m/1234567" %}

Sample Variables


Message Central


In Message Central, parsed links are categorized as regular tracking, order tracking or no tracking. Order link variables are automatically appended to the URL of order tracking links.


When a URL has a match on relational.agoraorderurls table, the link is then parsed as an order tracking link. URLs on the table are registered per affiliate requests.

Tracking type can be manually updated Link Tracking tab. In other words, order link variables can be added to any URL.

Oder Link Variables








Message Central orgid

A unique identifier assigned to each Message Central org.


Message Central mailingid

A unique identifier assigned to each mailing under a Message Central org.


Message Central segmentid

A unique identifier assigned to each segment under a mailing.


Message Central contactid

A unique identifier assigned to each Message Central contact. Each Advantage customer replicated to Message Central has a contactid.


Message Central linkid

A unique identifier assigned to each parsed link. Each linkid represents a unique combination of URL, link description, tracking type and link group.


Message Central stack

A unique identifier to specify resource of the link. MC means Message Central Stack 1, whereas MC2 indicates Stack 2


Verification ID

The result of processing orgidmailingidcontactid, and a hex key by agora_checksum().


Message Central linkgroupid

A unique identifier assigned to each link group. Parsed links are assigned to link group, Default, by default.

Order Link Variables


Steps to Attach Variables

  1. Insert the URL properly wrapped by <a> tags to a piece of content

  2. Parse the content containing the order link

    1. In UI, simply save the change

    2. or request MCS parseContentForLinkIds service

  3. Select tracking type order

    1. In UI, navigate to Link Tracking tab and select from dropdown

    2. or request MCS updateLink service

Sample Variables


Wrap up

You should now understand how to set up order links with customer variables in Blueshift and Message Central.

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