WMC Best Practices

WMC Best Practices

Summary / TL:DR:

Best Practices

Test all your efforts all the way through to Advantage before launching


You want to rest assured that your effort will work from start to finish for your customers. If there are any roadblocks along the way, they could prevent orders from processing.

We recommend testing every effort. Test versions can be used for initial testing but it’s best to validate the real, live effort before launching.

Agree on and use consistent naming standards


Consistency is key when searching within WMC or when filtering reporting. By agreeing on and using consistent naming standards you, as well as your entire team, will know what to look for.

Keep Lead Gen Journeys and Paid Journeys as separate journeys


For now, do not combine Lead Gen and Paid into the same journey. The system does NOT prevent you from combining them; however, reporting will be off since promo codes are still at the journey level.

Do not start a Journey with an Email, Exit Pop, Upsell, or Cross-sell


When generating the Effort Link, emails and exit pops will not render a usable link. Think of it like this, exit pops are scripts used to pop off of the page the customer is on. You need a page in order for an exit pop to work, hence why starting with one will not render a proper link. Same goes with email, you don’t link to an email normally you are sent an email. If you want to be sent an email you would set that up in Blueshift and then any transactional email in the journey would be parts of the journey, not the first step

Why do we have these options if they cant work as the first step in the journey? Because you can save a journey that starts with an exit pop and re-use that. So when you go to create a normal journey, that let's say starts with an order form, you could place the saved exit pop journey and re-use it without having to build it from scratch every time. The same goes for email, upsell and cross-sell.

When setting an Effort to go live or expire, the date/time will use the WMC users' local machine's time


IRIS and OPIUM use the Baltimore server time. WMC uses your (the user) local machine’s time. No more math or time zone converters!

Use the Code Editor in lieu of the Visual Editor


The current visual editor does not have all the capabilities of the code editor. The WMC team is currently researching other visual editors to replace the current one.

Don’t copy and paste from OPIUM order forms into WMC


There are some fundamental differences between the two platforms and the OPIUM code will not function the same way in WMC. That’s why it’s important to avoid copying and pasting code directly from OPIUM into the WMC code editor. It's better to start from scratch using the code editor menu.

Arrange columns on the Effort listings page in a way that provides the best visibility for your organization


You’re busy enough. You shouldn’t have to waste valuable time repeatedly sorting and filtering to find the data your looking for. Arrange the columns on the Effort Listings page once and don’t worry about it again.

Create and store templates for re-use

Use conditional statements to create content for re-usability as often as possible.

As the code editor is updated with new features and bug fixes you will need to refactor your templates.


This optimizes your workflow and will make it easier for your entire team to be consistent.

Lists, choices, and any edits to campaign codes still need to be created/set up in Advantage


Lists and choices still need to be created in Advantage. What is entered into WMC must match what is in Advantage exactly. If there are any updates made to a campaign code in WMC, the change will also need to be made in Advantage and vice versa. Alternatively, if changes are made to choices or offer codes in Advantage, they will need to be reloaded/refreshed in WMC.

Set up your Billing Terms as a global snippet and include them on all order pages


Setting up your Billing Terms ( or anything similar) as a global snippet could potentially save you hours of manpower in the future. If a change needs to be made to your Billing Terms or other content used on all of your order pages, you can make that change on the snippet and that change will reflect on all of your order pages using that snippet.

New domains cannot be set up with the same name as currently used in FC, Opium, and IRIS


If you utilize the same domains, the pages will not render. This is due to IP pointing that is done with IT.

Do not use Query Parameters that are already used by the WMC Application


Using Query Parameters that WMC automatically inserts could be break WMC functionality, reporting, or both.

What is currently used?

  • promoCode

  • COF_IsChecked

Card on File checkbox and terms (more commonly referred to as ‘billing terms’) is a required field on every order, upsell and cross sell page


Customer will have to check this box for EVERY SINGLE PURCHASE, regardless of auto-renewal status as mandated by credit card companies.

To add to order page in WMC:

  • In the code editor for Order and Cross or Upsell pages

  • Select the 'E' (Ecomm) section on the right-hand side

    • Note: the 'E' will eventually be replaced with a shopping cart icon

  • Select 'Credential on File Consent'

Add AMB and package choices manually for order forms in WMC

When including an AMB item or package on an order form in WMC, you will have to manually add the choices vs. pulling them in from Advantage.

What to do:

  • Select 'Add manually' under the 'Choices' section when creating an Order or Cross or Upsell page

  • Fill out the required fields

  • Hit 'Add Choice'

  • Repeat to add additional choices


Good to Know

On the Creatives listings page the type column is showing all upsells as a type = XSellPage.


Upsell and Cross-sell are one option and they can use conditional content to do both an upsell and a cross-sell on the same page.  Currently, when they are created they all get labeled as XsellPage in the database.  We have a story to change this name to "Cross/Upsell" to avoid confusion. For the affiliates to be able to distinguish between upsell and cross-sell they should use tags and/or a custom field.

Since choices can be shared across offers, you can use multiple offer codes within a journey. You just need to make sure the choice you are selecting also exists on the original offer code in the journey (the one used for the initial/primary choice).


When you create the promo code, one of the data elements is the "offer code". If someone purchases a choice that wasn't on the original/initial offer code, then there will be an error in OSM saying "Choice doesn't exist on promo" and the order won’t be processed.

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