Troubleshooting Checklist for Email Support

Troubleshooting Checklist for Email Support

Summary / TL:DR: This article will take you through the steps for troubleshooting common issues that a customer may run into with a subscription or mailing.

3 min read

Table of contents

End-user reporting that they are not receiving mailings

  1. Open Advantage Production

  2. Navigate to the "Customer Subscriptions" screen

  3. Search for the customer in question (by customer number or email address)

  4. Highlight the publication in question on the top half of the screen

  5. Go to the "Email History" tab on the bottom half of the screen

  6. If "Delivered" is found under the "Sent Status Description" field and the date is recent

    1. There is nothing we can do on our end

    2. This message is sent by the Email Service Provider (ESP) letting us know the email successfully entered the inbox

    3. The end-user will need to contact their ESP and/or follow whitelisting instructions

  7. If "Bounced" is found under the "Sent Status Description" field

    1. Submit a ticket to us letting us know the steps you completed

  8. If empty, then we need to ensure that mailings are supposed to be going out

    1.  Have someone has access to the client specific instance of Blueshift check to see if there are campaigns going out for this publication

    2. If there are none, the customer was not supposed to receive an email

    3. If there are campaigns, check the segment that was used to ensure the customer qualifies

    4. If the customer qualifies for the segment and was not sent any mailings, submit a ticket detailing the steps completed

End-user is receiving emails with the wrong name

  1. Have the end-user forward the email they received with the wrong name

  2. Open Advantage Production

  3. Go to the customer search screen

  4. Search by the email address

  5. Check to see if the email address is connected to multiple customer numbers

  6. Submit a ticket to Global Support with the forwarded email, the name that is supposed to be on the email, and if the email address is connected to any other customer numbers

End-user is seeing the wrong name on a website

  1. Ask the end-user for the password they are using so you can log in as them and see the incorrect name as well

  2. Check with website development team to ensure everything on the website is working properly for this customer

  3. Open Advantage Production

  4. Go to the customer search screen

  5. Search by the email address

  6. Check to see if the email address is connected to multiple customer numbers

  7. Submit a ticket to Global Support with a screenshot of the incorrect name, the name that is supposed to be on the website, and if the email address is connected to any other customer numbers

End-user is not able to access the publication they just purchased

  1. Open Advantage Production

  2. Navigate to the "Customer Subscriptions" screen

  3. Search for the customer in question (by customer number or email address)

  4. Check to ensure the customer has a "P" or "R" under the "Circulation Status" field in the row that contains the publication in question

  5. Check with website development team to ensure everything on the website is working properly for this customer

  6. Change the password for the user on the website

    1. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before logging back in to website. Sometimes the communication between systems can take longer than usual

  7. Submit a ticket to Global Support with the steps you have completed, the publication in question, the email address to be used, and the website

End-user is not receiving text alerts

  1. Open Advantage Production

  2. Navigate to List Emails (LSTEML)

  3. Search the customers phone number in the email field with the 1 included. i.e. 17045916784

  4. Verify they are active on the SMS list

  5. If the customer is active, submit a ticket to Global Support detailing the steps completed

Wrap up

You should now know the initial troubleshooting steps to take when a customer is experiencing an issue with a subscription or mailing.

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