Refund Status

Refund Status

This article will show you how to determine the refund status at the Invoices and Payments screen in Advantage. Refund status can be determined at either Invoices & Payments or from the Customer Activity screen.

3 min read

How to Determine the Status of a Refund

  1. From the Customer Service ribbon, navigate to ARPCAR.

  2. Search and select the customer and locate the refund transaction, refunds are identified with RFD in the Source column 

  3. Determine the method of refund - credit card or check.  If a refund is going back to a credit card, the credit will show a Payment Code and Payment Nbr for the credit card to be refunded.  If the refund is going back by check, the Payment Code and Payment Nbr will be blank on the credit line, if the refund has declined due to a charge-back the credit to refund will be in hard decline status 

  4. Select one of the following...

  1. Make sure your toolbar is customized to show the Transaction Type and Transaction Status Description fields.

  2. Locate the credit to refund, transaction type and transaction status

  3. If the status is success, the refund has been issued successfully back to the card. Provide the customer with the Application Date - this is the date the refund was issued back to the credit card. Depending on the card issuer, it may take a few days to reflect the refund on the customer's account

  4. If the status is not a success, contact Support for status.

  1. Make sure your toolbar is customized to show the Check Date, Check Number, and Check Net Amount fields.

  2. Locate the check refund by using the Check Date field and cross referencing it with the transaction date.

  3. The Check Date field will display the date the check was issued, or printed

Note that it may take a few days to mail the check to the customer from when the check was issued.

  1. When searching for the account you may see a note automatically pop up letting you know there are potential chargebacks on the account. Make sure to read the notes carefully by clicking on Notes

  2. Since these are chargebacks, the refund already occurred with the credit card vendor. Additional information will be provided by placing a support ticket in to the EPP team.

Wrap up

You should now know how to determine the refund status at the Invoices and Payments screen in Advantage.

Still need help?

We know this can be frustrating. To get further help please open a Support ticket.

Click here to open a ticket

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