Common Reasons for Auto-Delivery Delays or Non-Shipment
Summary / TL:DR: This article answers some frequently asked questions about Auto-Delivery Delays or Non-Shipment.
This section is for troubleshooting and frequently asked questions for auto delivery.
Is the address valid?
Advantage will not pick an order for shipment unless the address valid flag is ‘Y’. By verifying the address with the customer and resetting this flag, the auto-delivery shipments will resume automatically.
Does the customer have an unpaid order?
If a previous order is unpaid, the auto-delivery service will not be able to generate the next order. If the customer wishes to resume delivery, they will need to pay off this unpaid order.
Is the BCL status active?
Customers can be placed on a temporary hold (S Status) with a resolution date specified. Once the resolution date is reached, it will automatically reset to active status.
Was the next BCL shipment created manually, but not shipped?
Advantage allows the functionality to create the customers next BCL shipment anytime outside their normal frequency. If the order was created, but was not indicated to be shipped now, it will be in a control group ZBCLPN 1/1/2000. It will stay in this control group until their normal timing is reached.
Wrap up
You should now know some common reasons for auto-delivery delays or non-shipments in Advantage.
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